Department of Chemical Engineering Chairman (1996-2001)
- Engaged the ChE faculty in an assessment of the Department’s Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunity and Threats (SWOT) which lead to developing a strategic plan and a set of 4 priorities for the department: faculty development; focused thematic research areas; enhancing graduate education programs; and modernization of the undergraduate curriculum. Through funding for the university many of these priorities were implemented over a period of three years.
- Developed a flexible M.Eng. Degree program in ChE for part -time students, via Distance Learning, with focus on relevant technologies and the research strengths within the ChE Department.
- Created uniqueness in the ChE undergraduate programs via:
- Visualization as a learning tool for ChE courses and creation of a Computer Laboratory with multiple computers & software for ChE students.
- Creation of minors for ChE in areas relevant to technologies (polymers, materials, biotechnology).
- Enhanced undergraduate research options by expanding opportunities for student innovation (OSI) and increasing the number of summer undergraduate research opportunities.
- Developed and implemented two interdisciplinary programs at the interface between engineering and business and engineering and education.