External Activities
- Organizer – Special symposium: Colloids Future Direction of Research in Polymer Colloids, International Polymer Colloids Group Conference, iL Ciocco, Italy, July 6-11, 2009.
- Co-Organizer and Chair, Engineering Foundation Conference on Polymer Colloids, Irsee, Germany, July 2002.
- Panel Member, “Minority ChE Faculty 2001+: Workshop to Develop Minority Leaders in the ChE Academy”, co-sponsored by NSF and AIChE Minority Affairs Committee, March 4 -6, 2001.
- Chairman and Organizer, 74th Colloid and Surface Science Symposium, Lehigh University, June 2000.
- Member of International Scientific Committee, International Symposium on Polymers in Dispersed Media, Lyon, France, April 11 -15, 1999.
- Co -organizer, Symposium on Polymer Colloids, 37th Annual International World Polymer Congress – MACRO98, the Macromolecular Division of IUPAC, Australia, July 12 -17, 1998.
- Vice-Chairman, North American Organizing Committee, 7th Iketani Conference, International Symposium on Advanced Technology of Fine Particles, October 14 -17, 1997, Yokohama, Japan.
- Member, Scientific Board, Organizing Committee, NATO Advanced Study Institute, Recent Advances in Dispersed Polymers, San Sebastian, Spain, July 1996.
- Organizer, Fourth Pacific Polymer Federal Conference, Symposium on: Emulsion, Suspension, and Dispersion Polymerizations, Hyatt Regency Hotel, Kauai, Hawaii, December 12 -16, 1995.
- Developed an educational curriculum for an undergraduate polymer program in Chemical Engineering at Kuwait University, Kuwait, March 10 -18, 1995.
- Chairman, Gordon Research Conference on Polymer Colloids for 1991.
- Co Chairman, 64th Colloid and Surface Science Symposium, Lehigh University 1990.
- Vice Chairman, Gordon Research Conference on “Polymer Colloids”, 1989.
- Co-organizer, “Advances in Emulsion Polymerization and Latex Technology” Annual Short Course, Davos, Switzerland, 1978-present.
- Organizer & Chairman, NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Polymer Colloids, Racine, WI, June 30 -July 4, 1986.