- Nature and its characteristics can be used as the ideal model for any new innovation. Often in coming up with a solution, we focus on a single aspect rather than improving a situation as a whole. Nature teaches us that it is better to optimize rather than maximize, by taking broader, multi-faceted approaches to solve a problem. In addition, this “cradle to cradle” mindset should be dominant when designing a product or idea. This will give the product the ability to adapt to any further challenges, and have a longer “lifespan” and sustainability. Lastly, being resource efficient is something that nature succeeds at time and time again. Having the most impact with the fewest resources used or wasted is critical to a great product.
- Nature teaches the need to responsive to a certain environment and adapt to those specific conditions. One must always be aware that the conditions they are living in are not common to all people. People’s life experiences, upbringings, values, ideals, and overall mindsets vary depending on where and what they come from. In life, one must equip themselves with the experiences and confidence to tackle any obstacle that is in their especially in new and different environments. This is especially true with the work we are doing where are product must succeed in an environment much different than the ones present in the US. Things in Sierra Leone like the emphasis on family, the woman hierarchy, the daily economy, deep rooted food culture, and lack of infrastructure are all factors our product needs to account for and be able to adapt to.
- To implement the Cradle to Cradle Design into our project, we are attempting to make the product something very easy to integrate into Sierra Leone culture and everyday and therefore, elongate its effects and sustainability. We are changing our product from a muffin shape to a cake because of the popularity of cakes in Sierra Leone. We will be selling our product through the street market industry to maximize children’s exposure to the product itself. This semester, we will really be focusing on how to reduce waste from the product, especially in terms of limiting the materials used to package. The majority of the ingredients in our cakes will be local food crops such as sweet potato, banana, nuts, cocoa, etc. and therefore we will hope to stimulate the local economy and increase appeal because the product is made with familiar foods to the locals of Sierra Leone.
- When I was informed by a friend that the median annual household income worldwide was around $10,000 I was extremely shocked. Being that that isn’t even ⅙ of my college tuition, I was shocked to see how differently people live and how different money is viewed globally. Another thing that was shared with me as a child that I remember finding so alien was that in many countries, younger people greet their elders or respected ones by a bow or other sign of respect. Lastly, I’ve always been lucky enough to have a good education, but when I found out that 1 in 4 America children grow up without learning to read I was shocked. The idea of not being able to read seemed incredibly alien to me.