Spring Break in Shenandoah National Park

This Spring, seven of our club members ventured deep into the chartered territory of Shenandoah National Park. With heavy packs they conquered over 55 miles.

Some highlights from this trip included: scrambling to the summit of Old Rag Mt., the early morning view from the top of Hawksbill, and the beautiful waterfalls along the trail.

We did manage to encounter some wildlife while on the trail (luckily not bears). We spotted some white tailed deer, we heard many birds in the trees (including a rather noisy woodpecker), we spotted some fish in the streams, and even managed to catch a tick (or maybe it caught us)!
Weather wise we were very fortunate; it only rained on us one day while hiking. However, there were a few nights when the rain made for great white noise while we slept in our tents.

Big takeaways from this adventure; Don’t feed Nick lentils and then sit in enclosed spaces, fill up your water bottles whenever possible, sometimes having a vague adaptabile plan is better, and you definitely need more than one line of p-cord for 5 bags of food if you intend on bear bagging (it’s possible, but rather challenging).