Feb 23, 2021 | Achievement
Very exciting news: PI Siddha Pimputkar was awarded the prestigious NSF CAREER for his proposed work on a new synthesis approach for the realization of a wide array of nitride materials in single crystal form! Even more reason to anxiously await completion of the lab...
Feb 10, 2021 | Achievement
Exciting new synthesis approach for nitrides proposed as part of the PI’s CAREER proposal is now IP protected and moving forward towards a formal patent application! Will be the first in many technologically and industrial important IP work coming out of this...
Aug 1, 2020 | Achievement, Team
While we are sad to see Pedram leave the group, we understand the difficulty the situation has put the entire group in. We wish him all the best as he pursues his Ph.D. at PennState now and hope to continue to collaborate for many years to come! Great work on modeling...
Jul 20, 2020 | Achievement, Outreach, Service
The PI was nominated to be part of the scientific research honor society Sigma Xi. A great honor and humbled by the opportunity to give back to the research community and help the next generation of scientists!
Dec 20, 2019 | Achievement, Team
Well deserved and hard-earned: congrats on getting a fancy, shiny Master’s degree! Hope all the hard work and corrosion testing will be buttoned up in a nice publication for broader consumption. Thanks for all the detailed-focused work and persevering despite...
Nov 25, 2019 | Achievement
It is with great pride that we would like to congratulate Tri to being awarded a prestigious internship at Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology in Japan for summer 2020! This experience will certainly expand deepen his appreciation for crystal growth–in...