Welcome to the MATS Group
We seek to develop novel materials
needed to enhance and enable devices
for a sustainable future.
Latest News
Safety First!
After lots of cable laying and learning how PLC systems work, Pedram has successfully implemented the lab-wide safety system to ensure we can safely perform our research. On to the next step of getting things up and running! Right after the gas cabinets finally arrive …
Newcomer to the Summer Engineering Institute
Prof. Pimputkar developed a new lecture series on the topic of “from phase diagrams to ice cream” to educate excited and ambitious high school students on the topic of material science. Lots of cool material science going on in ice cream and cooling the liquid using saltwater. Was a great time and made some delicious ice cream together. Till next year!
Welcome to the Team: Jacob Dooley!
Always great to expand the team and get some new hands on deck. Let’s welcome Jacob to the fold and cheer him on as he researches the world of boron nitride growth. Welcome!