Welcome to the MATS Group
We seek to develop novel materials
needed to enhance and enable devices
for a sustainable future.
Latest News
Almost there!
Things are cleaning up and looking pretty awesome! So nice and clean. Wonder how long that will last … All that’s need are the gas cabinets and plumbing jobs. Hopefully not too much longer …
Strandwitz vs. Pimputkar Group Round 3: Bowling!
Welcome to the second round of the Strandwitz vs. Pimputkar group! This time … bowling!
Patent application filed for next-gen CVD design!
Exciting news: we are now patent pending for a novel approach to the growth of decomposition limited materials using a new MOCVD design. Looking forward to demonstrating new high-indium content Group-III nitride materials and other interesting materials that have been out of reach thus far.