Welcome to the MATS Group
We seek to develop novel materials
needed to enhance and enable devices
for a sustainable future.
Latest News
PI Siddha invited to speak at SPIE 2018
PI Siddha has been invited to speak at SPIE 2018 in the wide bandgap semiconductor session. Excited!
Funding Award: NSF Grant to purse growth of cubic BN
It is with great pride that I can report the awarding of a new NSF grant with co-PI Prof. Kai Landskron to pursue the growth of cubic boron nitride (BN) using the ammonothermal method (Award Nr. 1832824). Once successful, we will be able to produce large scale, bulk, single crystal cubic BN crystals for use in mechanical systems requiring materials with high hardness and compatibility with iron, along with pursuing the dream of high-efficiency, high-temperature power electronic devices with performance superior even to diamond!
Strandwitz vs. Pimputkar Group: “Beach” Volleyball!
Okay, so last time the Strandwitz group took home the glory of a masterful set of swings and putts. Things time the Pimputkar group can shine as a group doing sand volleyball. May the better team win!