Welcome to the MATS Group
We seek to develop novel materials
needed to enhance and enable devices
for a sustainable future.
Latest News
Presenting at the IEEE SSCS & Local EDS Chapter Meeting
Thank you, Robert O. Peruzzi, for the invitation and opportunity to reach out to our local community via the IEEE SSCS & Local EDS Chapter Meeting. Ready for an update on all things bulk GaN? If so, swing by!
PI Siddha presents invited talk at XIX-IWPSD in India
Appreciate the opportunity to present at the XIX International Workshop on The Physics of Semiconductor Devices (IWPSD) on the topic of bulk GaN growth and the associated material properties. Will be great to connect with the local community on bulk GaN growth.
Member of the Technical Program Committee Member
PI Siddha has joined the Technical Program Committee Member for the IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC): Displays and Lighting (DISL). Looking forward to integrating into the community and providing important contributions to the display and lighting community.