Welcome to the MATS Group
We seek to develop novel materials
needed to enhance and enable devices
for a sustainable future.
Latest News
Onward and forward: Pedram graduates with M.S.!
While we are sad to see Pedram leave the group, we understand the difficulty the situation has put the entire group in. We wish him all the best as he pursues his Ph.D. at PennState now and hope to continue to collaborate for many years to come! Great work on modeling the ground breaking high pressure spatial CVD (HPS-CVD) system.
PI honored to be invited to Sigma Xi
The PI was nominated to be part of the scientific research honor society Sigma Xi. A great honor and humbled by the opportunity to give back to the research community and help the next generation of scientists!
PI presents at ASEE 2020
The latest in learning how the integration of domain-specific project-based learning in an introductory materials science course can lead to improved student outcomes is present at American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) 2020. Lots of data for those interested in a data-heavy analysis of measurable impacts! Read more: Paper 29199