Welcome to the MATS Group
We seek to develop novel materials
needed to enhance and enable devices
for a sustainable future.
Latest News
Welcome to the Team: Eddie Jeffs and Kristine Phan!
Great to expand the team to tackle the many fun LabView coding-related challenges. Fingers crossed we can hack away and squash all those bugs!
Congrats on your Master’s Chris!
Well deserved and hard-earned: congrats on getting a fancy, shiny Master’s degree! Hope all the hard work and corrosion testing will be buttoned up in a nice publication for broader consumption. Thanks for all the detailed-focused work and persevering despite the roadblocks!
Congratulations Tri!!
It is with great pride that we would like to congratulate Tri to being awarded a prestigious internship at Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology in Japan for summer 2020! This experience will certainly expand deepen his appreciation for crystal growth–in this case for quantum materials. May the force be with you!