Blog 3: Theory of Change

List the top 20 questions your team needs to answer to advance the venture forward. Categorize the questions if necessary.

What kind of partnership delivers the most impact and reduces exposure?
How to find partnerships with related companies?
How do you adapt partnerships to different phases of the project?
How do you build trust with AlmaU/residents in Almaty?
How do we get the most out of our partnerships?
Do the citizens use public transportation or companies like uber for transportation?
How long is the typical commute?
How to achieve a good representation of survey population?
What are the steps to create the app?
Who are the well-known influencers that are willing to change their behavior?
What steps do residents currently take to reduce exposure or mitigate the health impacts?
What are the main sources of exposure? Where are they located?
Where are the main areas of outdoor recreation in Almaty?
How can we coordinate with companies that monitor air quality for the app?
Existing Efforts
What efforts are already being made to reduce air pollution exposure?
Have there been any efforts to reduce air pollution that have failed? What did they do wrong?
What kind of profit will come from our venture?
What kind of funding is needed/how will we get it?
What are the products we want to encourage using?
How do these products reduce exposure?

Develop and visualize the Theory of Change for your venture.

Develop a M&E (Monitor and Evaluation) plan for your venture.

Universal access to internet/phones
There’s accurate air monitoring data available.
Residents are honest with their survey responses.

Identify short term and long term success metrics
Short term

Number of survey respondents
Number of app users
User engagement on the App
Cost of user acquisition
Long term
Increased use of air purifiers, filters, masks
Number of positive feedbacks
Number of respondents that take post-test survey
Behavioral changes in the post-test survey
Reduced patients with respiratory problems

Identify specific methods to measure the metrics
Correlation between increased use of air purifier, filters, and masks with resident feedbacks or the usage of our App
Survey data
Data on reduced patients with respiratory problems from local hospitals
Collect data on downloads, use time, etc. from the app

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