Welcome to SSS@Lehigh!

We are the Scalable Systems and Software Research Group at Lehigh University!
Designing and building parallel, concurrent, and distributed systems are our major focus. Our research topics include:
We are always looking for motivated students and productive collaborations. If you find these topics interesting and you are eager to contribute, contact us.
Recent Papers:
- Our paper “A Dynamic Weighting Strategy to Mitigate Worker Node Failure in Distributed Deep Learning” has been accepted to HPEC 24. Congrats to Yuesheng!
- SSS scores three papers at ACM SPAA 24. Congrats to the teams!
- ALock: Asymmetric Lock Primitive for RDMA Systems, Amanda Baran, Jacob Nelson-Slivon, Lewis Tseng, Roberto Palmieri
- Brief Announcement: LIT: Lookup Interlocked Table for Range Queries, dePaul Miller, Ahmed Hassan, Roberto Palmieri
- Brief Announcement: ROMe: Wait-free Objects for RDMA, Jacob Nelson-Slivon, Reilly Yankovich, Ahmed Hassan, Roberto Palmieri
- Our paper “Optimization of Approximate Maps for Linear Systems Arising in Discretized PDEs” has been accepted to GAMM 24. Congrats to Rishad!
- Our paper “OCToPus: Semantic-aware Concurrency Control for Blockchain Transactions” has been accepted as a poster at PPoPP 24. Congrats to dePaul!
- Our paper “Separating Mechanism from Policy in STM” has been accepted to PACT 23. Congrats to Yaodong!
- Our paper “BatchBoost: Universal Batching for Concurrent Data Structures” has been accepted as a brief announcement to DISC 23. Congrats to the team!
- Our paper “Distributed Multi-writer Multi-reader Atomic Register with Optimistically Fast Read and Write” has been accepted at SPAA 23. Congrats to the team!
- Our paper “Efficient Hardware Primitives for Immediate Memory Reclamation in Optimistic Data Structures” has been accepted at IPDPS 23. Congrats to the team!
- Our paper “Opportunities and Limitations of Hardware Timestamps in Concurrent Data Structures” has been accepted at IPDPS 23. Congrats Olivia!
- Our paper “Asymmetric Mutual Exclusion for RDMA” has been accepted as a Brief Announcement at DISC 22. Congrats Jacob!
- Our paper “Bundling Linked Data Structures for Linearizable Range Queries” has been accepted at PPoPP 2022. Congrats Jacob!
- Our paper “Rabia: Simplifying State-Machine Replication Through Randomization” has been accepted at SOSP 2021. Congrats to the whole team!
- Our paper “KVCG: A Heterogeneous Key-Value Store for Skewed Workloads” has been accepted at SYSTOR 2021. Congrats dePaul and Jacob!