The Rape Culture Inventory (RCI) is an 82-item measure that assesses both personal endorsement and perceived peer support of the constructs proposed to underlie rape culture (i.e., conformity to traditional gender roles, sexism, adversarial sexual beliefs, hostility toward women, and acceptance of general violence). Its items come from well-established measures of each of these constructs, adapted here in order to allow for the assessment of rape culture not just as a set of individual held beliefs, but also (as the name would imply) as a cultural factor that independently influences behavior.

Two versions have been developed—one, for use in populations of university students, and the other, for use in military populations.



Johnson, N. L., & Johnson, D. M. (2017). An Empirical Exploration Into the Measurement of Rape Culture. Journal of Interpersonal Violence36(1-2), NP70-NP95.


Download RCI – College Version

Download RCI – Military Version


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