CINQ387 Blog 9

Conner Calzone, Tiffany Pang


Synthesize the vision of the grand challenge you are trying to address in elegant layman terms:


GRAND VISION: Everyone with Sickle Cell Disease should be able to live a fulfilling life


Goals that Support the Grand Vision:


  1. Incorporating our screening device in neonatal standard operating procedures(SOPs) at all hospitals, clinics, and health posts in Sierra Leone


2. Reducing the child mortality of all children of 5-years and below in Sierra Leone


3. Providing an affordable, point-of-care screening process


4. Having the public know more about SCD, and incorporating indigenous knowledge


Explain how the extant system around your innovation works

Develop a conceptual framework of the extant system highlighting the systemic challenge and when possible/relevant, the human experience.


  1. nothing is integrated into the SOP in SL, unlike America

2. current, options are expensive, time-consuming and needs trained personnel 

3. nobody knows about SCD, thats why it needs to be implemented into the SOP, so ALL newborns get screened (like a paper pamphlet or reusable pamphlet using words or pictures (some people cannot read) to learn abt SCD OR doctor can also verbally explain)

4. penicillin prophylaxis isnt really promoted as a treatment for bacterial infections in children


Pre-visual (venture does not need to be a part of it)

Post-visual (we enter the system and we reconfigure how relationships are working)

Develop a conceptual framework that captures your vision of how your innovation and the ensemble/coalition you build around it will address the systemic challenges and improve the QoL for the target group.

The higher you climb the pyramid the closer you reach your conceptual framework

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