July 30th and 31st 2018: Fieldwork in Makeni

The first two days in Sierra Leone we worked in World Hope International’s conference room developing a game plan for our venture and what it will take to get it on the ground. At first it was difficult for us to understand the different healthcare sectors and people that are present in Makeni (CHC, PHU, CHO, NIC, CHW). Our translator, Hasan, helped us a lot by drawing out the chains that follow who is in charge of who, and how they interact with each other.

Hasan and Sage working out Makeni healthcare system pathways on poster paper.

The mushroom team that is traveling us have been doing construction outside and gathering the materials needed to build from nearby markets. We are often quite jealous that they get to be exploring and working outside, because the past two days we have worked all day in the conference room.

This is the conference room we have been working in. It is air conditioned which we are incredibly grateful for!

Pictured left to right: Isabel, Marc and Rachel (the 3 members of the mushroom team), Jwara (current employee in SL for mushroom team), Naakesh and Sage.

Documents we have been working on in the conference room:

-Employment contracts for two people

-Job duties for hospitals, clinics, pharmacies, CHWs, PHUs, CHOs and CHCs for working with an Ukweli product

-Training protocols for hospitals, clinics, pharmacies, CHWs, PHUs, CHOs and CHCs

-End user selling plans

-Quality control instructions for test strips

The resort we are staying at is really great, a lot nicer than we all expected it to be. The six of us all share a bed with one other person. The rooms also include a desk, dresser, mosquito net, shower, sink and toilet.

Heres what the hotel compound look like. The houses with the red/pink roofs have four rooms in them, and all of the students are living in house 5.

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