Tiffany Chen’s Blog Post #5: Week ending 6/24/2023

During the classes held this week, the topic of discussion revolved around Apple and the extent of accountability it should bear towards its suppliers. To create the iconic iPhone and other tech products, Apple outsources to foreign manufacturers that are able to charge much less due to their low workplace standards. The working conditions have reached a point of inhumanity that these factory workers have begun committing suicide. The question was whether or not Apple should take responsibility for this. While they do not directly implement these working conditions, should Apple consider the ethical practices of its stakeholders? I thought this was a fascinating topic and Apple is not the only company to outsource to companies like these. 


With regards to my internship, my boss had me and Lili attend a class where students from Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti presented their final marketing projects. It was really interesting since the class split into smaller groups to imitate different subgroups in an actual marketing agency. They were tasked with creating a packaging design, digital marketing strategy, event launch, and a sustainability strategy for my boss’s next startup. The professional look and sophistication of ideas in their presentations amazed me as they truly mimicked the quality of work that would have been produced by a true marketing department. My boss loved their work and now her next step is to secure funding to actually turn their ideas into reality. 


On Friday, I flew to Puglia with Ava, Bella, Emily, and Sophia for a fun and relaxing weekend. Emphasis on relaxing. Except, the start was far from that. Our flight got delayed for an hour and once we arrived at the airport, it got delayed for another half hour due to issues with the aircraft. Once the plane took off, there was a lot of turbulence and I almost thought we were not going to make it. Thankfully we landed safely and everyone clapped. Our Airbnb is stunning— it looks like something straight out of a Pinterest board. We spent the next day at the beach and exploring Italian restaurants. This might just might warn a spot on my favorite destinations list!

View from above the clouds!

Our Airbnb straight from a Pinterest Board
The outside of our Airbnb
Ice cream after spending the day out in the sun


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