Dawn Keetley



New Folk Horror

Two new great folk horror films have been released recently–both very different and representing two very different strands of folk horror. I have substantial reviews of both on Horror Homeroom. Ben Wheatley’s new film, In the Earth, premiered at Sundance… Continue Reading →

30 Years of Misery

Here’s the second in Horror Homeroom’s series of special issues in journal format centered on key events in horror. They will include longer articles than we usually run in Horror Homeroom — about twice as long — by non-academics and… Continue Reading →

Friday the 13th – 40th Anniversary Special Issue

Horror Homeroom is launching a series of special issues in journal format centered on key events in horror. They will include longer articles than we usually run in Horror Homeroom — about twice as long — by non-academics and academics…. Continue Reading →

Mike Flanagan’s Mold-centric Hill House

I have a chapter on Mike Flanagan’s Netflix series, The Haunting of Hill House, in Kevin Wetmore’s edited collection on the series, The Streaming of Hill House: Essays on the Haunting Netflix Adaptation (McFarland, 2020). I’m including my introduction below,… Continue Reading →

Folk Horror in Revenant

I am very happy to announce that the special issue I edited for Revenant: Critical and Creative Studies of the Supernatural, Issue 5 (March 2020) is now available. Here’s the Table of Contents. You’ll also find reviews of related books…. Continue Reading →

Sleep and the Realm of the Uncanny in the Postrecession Horror Film

An article in The Journal of Popular Culture, vol. 52, no. 5 (2019). A preoccupation of the post-Recession horror film has been the uncanny human—proliferating involuntary doubles bereft of reason and choice. Recent horror film has exploited sleep disorders in… Continue Reading →

Jordan Peele’s GET OUT: Political Horror

The new cover for my upcoming edited collection on Jordan Peele’s Get Out is here! Jordan Peele’s Get Out: Political Horror is a collection of fourteen scholarly essays (including the introduction) devoted to exploring Get Out’s roots in the horror… Continue Reading →

‘Lock Her Up! Angry Men and the Captive Woman in Post-Recession Horror’

My most recent publication is ‘Lock Her Up! Angry Men and the Captive Woman in Post-Recession Horror’, in Make America Hate Again: Trump-Era Horror and the Politics of Fear, edited by Victoria McCollum (Routledge, 2019), pp. 97-108. Since around 2010, there… Continue Reading →

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