Women of Bethlehem Steel

The Women of Bethlehem Steel collection represents the stories of women who worked at Bethlehem Steel Corporation from the mid-20th century through the sell and closure of the company in 2003. These oral histories convey a variety of experiences from women who worked on the shop floor, company executives, to women with strong family ties to the industry. The narrators describe their work, how they balanced their occupation with their home life, how they were treated by their male co-workers, and the effects of Bethlehem Steel’s decline. In addition to audio and video recordings, this collection houses a variety of photos of women at work and portraits of former employees.
This project is a collaboration between Lehigh University and the Steelworkers’ Archives and is made possible by a grant from Lehigh University’s Mellon Digital Humanities Initiative and support from Lehigh University’s South Side Initiative.

Principal Investigators – Julia Maserjian & Seth Moglen
Steelworkers’ Archives – Jill Schennum & Susan Vitez
Technology Coordinator – Rob Weidman
Faculty Advisors – Kim Carrell-Smith
Indexing and descriptions – Sarah Heidebrink-Bruno & Joanna Grim
Transcriptionists – Karen Myers & Amey Senape