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Seven different artifacts about abortion.

Arsenault, Isabelle. Jane, the Fox, and Me. 2013.

      This is a watercolor painting from the book Jane, the Fox, and Me published September 1, 2013, written by Fanny Britt and illustrated by Isabelle Arsenault. This is only a small illustration in the larger piece that is the graphic novel. Isabelle Arsenault does a great job at capturing the blood that is shed after someone has had an abortion. The life that is killed carries more weight than just tissue cells. The blood has stained the beautiful mother’s clothes and it does not seem to be coming off. This life that is lost will stay with the mother for the rest of her life. The blood might not be directly on the mothers/fathers hands but the weight of the consequences will stay with them forever. Having an abortion is not the same as washing away a pregnancy because it is not that simple. The baby is also not a fully formed, it looks like it is about 16 to 20 weeks into development. At this stage, the majority of states allow for abortions with no questions asked.


Unplanned Directed by Cary Solomon and Chuck Konzelman 


           The movie unplanned which debuted in theaters March 29, 2019, is about how a woman turned from a planned parenthood director into a pro-life activist. It was written and directed by Cary Solomon and Chuck Konzelman and tells the true story of the life Abby Johnson a former planned parenthood director. Abby first gets introduced to planned parenthood when a local representative came to her college campus and Abby was intrigued and wanted to help out. She started off wanting to help women out with birth control and providing safe abortions. As her time at planned parenthood lengthens she moves up the ranks to become the youngest ever Planned Parenthood clinic director. Abby goes into details of how her time at Planned Parenthood and how the jargon they were using convinced her to believe the message that they were spreading. She was told to say things such as calling pregnancy a condition that can be removed and other euphemisms. She continues her job, but two things came about which bothered her heavily. The first being that Planned Parenthood told her that they are going to need to increase profits and they are wanting a double in the number of abortions they are providing. The second was when she was asked by the doctor to assist with the ultrasound during the abortion. She says she saw the fetus fighting for its life by trying to avoid the suction. This made her leave Planned Parenthood and start her path as a pro-life activist. This relates to my research paper because Abby talks about how the fetus in the womb is more than just fetus tissue. It is an unborn baby with all the same defining characteristics that a human has and should have the same rights as any other human should.



Hudacek, Martin. Memorial of the Unborn Child. 2003.

        These sculptures created by Martin Hudacek were created to pay respect to the children that lost their lives and potential due to abortions. These two statues are called Memorial of the Unborn Child I and II. These statues show the potential that every unborn child has. If these babies were left untouched they would grow into fully formed human beings and that is what makes them human beings. When a fetus is at the twenty-fourth week of development it is considered viable outside the womb with today’s medical treatment. This life that can live free from the mother is still considered under the mothers to rule in certain states. A life that would grow into something unique and beautiful could be killed and it is called a medical procedure. This also shows the devastation that could come to the mother and family of those who had an abortion. Some families who do decide to go through with an abortion experience regret and sadness.


“Except in the case of a medical emergency or when a pregnancy is diagnosed as medically futile, no abortion shall be performed or attempted to be performed unless the physician performing it such procedure has first made a determination of the probable gestational age presence of a detectable human heartbeat” (2019-2020 Regular Session – HB 481 Living Infants Fairness and Equality (LIFE) Act).

        This statement is in the new abortion law from Virginia. It makes any abortion after a heartbeat is detected to be illegal. Heartbeat is usually detected around the six-week mark of pregnancy. This is the most pro-life law that has ever been passed since Roe v. Wade. But, the most important part of the bill is that it declares unborn children are a class of living, a distinct unique person and that they have the full legal recognition of any other person. These unborn children are considered people of the United States under legal law and not for abortion. Killing these children is now considered murder under Georgia law. It is a great stride in the pro-life direction that is combating all the other pro-choice laws.


“Quiet Tears” by Bob O’Meara

Miraculous moment

One body, one soul

Conception, reception

He whispers hello


Bone of my bones

Flesh of my flesh

Two became one

One became flesh


Tree of knowledge

Tempting indeed

Precious little one

Unwelcome seed


Cradle of love

Home for awhile

Tears on a pillow

Unable to smile


Dismembered, remembered

Nobody, one soul

Rejected, unprotected

He whispers hello

Meara, Bob O. Quiet Tears. 1992.

         This poem is about the different stages during an abortion. It starts off reinforcing the fact that life starts and the amazing moment of conception. This is the most important part of this poem, if this was not the case then the rest of the poem would lose all of its meaning. It also talks about two people are needed to create life and it should not go without saying that men are also responsible for unwanted babies. The poem continues to talk about the unwanted child and how it only gets to live such a short life. Another key part of this poem is that it talks about how the child is unprotected. So much of the pro-life movement is speaking out for the unborn. They have no say and they cannot use their own words to protect themselves so somebody has to step up and do it for them.


“I share this because abortion is so evil in its core. What it does to the innocent and what it does to women is very real. Many women are left completely alone in their brokenness to figure it all out after an abortion. That is a sad truth, and that was my truth” (Dora, TX).

         This is a quote from real women how had an abortion in Dallas, TX. She talks about the unwanted effects of having an abortion. The real pain and suffering that comes no only to the unborn child but also to the mother. So many women have to go through similar experiences which include, sadness and depression. The worst part is that they have to deal with it completely alone. When abortion has an empowerment connotation women rarely look for help because no one is educating with possible side effects and it goes untreated. There are real feelings of regret that follow such a life-changing and important decision that is “abortion. The quote does a good job of explaining that abortion affects more than just the mother. There is an innocent human life that does not get to live anymore because that somebody, somewhere said it ought to be.



Rose, Anna. The Wait and the Reward. 2014.     

         This oil painting was made in 2010 by a very unfamous painter, Anna Rose. It was found on a personal small blog without many views, but the story behind it is very powerful. The painter originally wanted to keep this painting private because she said it was incredibly personal to her. However, she eventually posted it because she thought that it could persuade someone who might be considering an abortion to reconsider. The title sums up the painting in a good way. There is a long wait to pregnancy, roughly nine months, but the reward is so much more. No matter what week of pregnancy they are on there is still a human living in their body and that is what is important. This image strongly conveys that by using the mirror to reflect on what is actually going on inside the mother’s womb.

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