Today, we started off in the World Hope Office and spoke to Hassan about potential locations to survey for the rest of our time here. We discussed visiting several villages that were greatly affected by the 2014 ebola outbreak, which would be interesting to explore because of their direct experience with the disease and its toll on the villages. We also want to survey a diverse range of tribes since once we travel outside of the city of Makeni, each village will mostly be comprised of a singular tribe. Nate was feeling pretty sick all morning (see photo below) so we went back to the hotel so he could rest a little bit and so we could get better WiFi to continue our work.
Lindsay worked to create a plan for the locations we will survey in for the remainder of our trip and determined how many more days of surveying we will need to reach our target. We now have a solid calender, but will need to speak with Jawara from World Hope to confirm the locations and see if he has any contacts there to make our trips run smoother once we get back on the ground.
Anna and Nate worked on explaining and justifying each question on our survey in order to aid Dr. Buceta and Dr. Bocchini with the concept statements we will need to submit to Statistics Sierra Leone and the Ministry of Health to form partnerships for our project to continue once we leave.
Overall, we had a very productive day despite some of us not feeling our best and are ready for a full day of surveying tomorrow, Wednesday, and Thursday!