2018 Eta Kappa Nu Induction Ceremony
On Thursday, October 18, 2018 Eta Kappa Nu (HKN) inducted seven new members. Eta Kappa Nu is the electrical and computer engineering honor society of the IEEE. Lehigh’s Eta Kappa Nu chapter, the Chi chapter, was reactivated three years ago and is continuing to grow. A dedicated and passionate group of ECE students were inducted at this ceremony.
The Eta Kappa Nu officers include: Rebecca Lentz (President), Mitul Surti (Vice President), Thomas Marth (Secretary), Daniel Prongay (Pledge Chair), Roland Nowak (Treasurer), Kelly Vaughn (Social Chair), Cindy Zhao (Community Service Chair). Professor Doug Frey is the HKN Faculty Adviser.
Congratulations to the new members!
(Inductees from left to right: Kyle Wojciechowski, Nayantara Chaisson, Nolan Sornson, Sydney Wisniewski, Seth Slavin,
Alexander Schiffman, Zhuoji Ji)