Day 6: Sourcing Substrate

In the morning, David was too ill to get a start on the day so Muz and Will went out to work. They went to the market and bought black bags, rice, cups, and other items needed for more spawn expansion. They then went to the World Hope office and met David who was able to get out and was ready to work in some capacity. David decided to stay at the office and do some computer-related work for the blogs and general operating procedures for Jawara. Muz and Will left with some of the NewTrition team to go bring the existing expanded spawn to the GRO house. They showed the team the general production process and how the house was constructed. Our banana leaf supplier was still unresponsive so the group traveled to Gbendembu and met a local who offered to provide us with rice straw the following day. There were various delays between trying to locate the banana leaf supplier and finding the new supplier. An observation from the village was that almost every child was malnourished. The group finally made it back to dinner. David ended up testing positive for COVID that night and so did Muz and Will but no other people so far that they came in contact with. Will soaked the new rice in limewater with a new procedure that eliminates boiling and therefore possibly overcooking the rice. The plan for the following day is very up in the air as the team does not yet know what they will be allowed to do with their current COVID status.

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