
Graduate Advising Experience

Fatih Aktis (2015-2017) “The Emergence of Creativity as an Academic Discipline in Higher Education Institutions” (Dissertation for a Ph.D. in Comparative and International Education. Supervisor: Iveta Silova)

Bruce Marold (2011-12) “Truth, Gender, and Suffering: Nietzsche Anticipates Feminist Theology” (Thesis submitted for M.A. in Theological Studies at Moravian Theological Seminary. Supervisor: Grace Ji-Sun Kim)


Undergraduate Senior Theses Supervision

Roman Lao-Gosney (2011-12) “Dreams and Morality”

Peter Mangano (2011-12) “Sartre and Deleuze on Grace”

Teng-Chuen Wee (2008-9) “Moral Education in Singapore: Confucian, Western, and Hybrid”

Scott Walters (2008-9): “Cash Value Connectivity”

Shaina Jordan (2007-8) “Confucian Ethics”

David Blasco (2007-8) “Judgments and the Pragmatic Approach in Philosophy of Language”


Courses Taught (full teaching duties)

“Philosophy and Technology” (Lehigh University, on-campus 2011, 2018; summers 2008- 2014, 2020, 2023). A course studying the impact current technologies are having on ethical and ontological judgments.

“Philosophy of Education” (Lehigh University, Spring 2014, Spring 2015). An historical survey of major views on education.

“Philosophical Questions” (Lehigh University, Spring 2016). A question-focused introduction to philosophy.

“Eastern Philosophy” (Lehigh University, Fall 2009, Spring 2011, Summer 2011, Spring 2013, Spring 2017). A survey of major traditions in the Eastern philosophical tradition.

“Philosophy and Film” (Lehigh University, Fall 2012, Spring 2016, Summers 2013-2019). A small lecture course studying both philosophy of film and philosophy in film.

“Philosophy and Technology” (Lehigh University, on-campus 2011, 2018; summers 2008- 2014,). A course studying the impact current technologies are having on ethical and ontological judgments.

“TRAC Writing Fellows Seminar (Fall 2008 – 2018, Spring 2009). A small seminar course focused on introducing students to the fields of composition studies, library information studies, faculty development, and educational technology, in order to prepare them for their work as TRAC Writing Fellows.

“Nineteenth-Century Philosophy: Hegel to Nietzsche” (Spring 2010) An upper-division course on themes and figures in nineteenth-century German philosophy, with a specific focus on Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit, and Nietzsche’s Genealogy of Morality and Twilight of the Idols.

“South Mountain College: Investigations” (Fall 2008 through Spring 2009) A yearlong course in which students undertake interdisciplinary research into a student-selected theme.

“Tibet and Buddhism in Film and Myth” (Lehigh University, Spring 2008) A course studying western interpretations of Tibet, Buddhism and the Dalai Lama as portrayed in documentaries and feature films.

“South Mountain College: Seminar” (Lehigh University, Spring 2008). Part of an experimental new program at Lehigh, the SMC Seminar is a faculty-facilitated student-directed seminar focused on creating opportunities for students to engage in intense intellectual discussions and take responsibility for selecting texts and shaping the conversational dynamic.

“The Examined Life” (Lehigh University, Fall 2007). A large-lecture introduction to philosophy course.

“The Examined Life” (Lehigh University, Summer 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008). A discussion-intensive online introduction to philosophy course.

“Dreams and Realities: Philosophical Constructions of the Real” (Lehigh University, Fall 2005, Fall 2006). A Freshman Seminar focused on identifying and evaluating metaphysical claims found in classic works of philosophy (Plato, Descartes, Berkeley, Freud, Zhuangzi), literature (Borges, Egan, Dick, Lightman), film (Waking Life, Matrix), and contemporary works of neuroscience (Alper, D’Aquili, Ramachandran).

“Comparative Philosophy: East and West” (Lehigh University, Spring 2005). Compared select works of Eastern and Western philosophers (Plato/Confucius; Aristotle/Mengzi; Descartes/Zhuangzi; Leibniz/Zhu Xi), with special emphasis on avoiding common pitfalls of comparative thinking.

“Dreams and Realities: Philosophical Constructions of the Real” (Lehigh University, Summer 2004). Identified and evaluated metaphysical claims found in classic works of philosophy (Plato, Descartes, Berkeley, Zhuangzi) and contemporary works of neuroscience (Alper, D’Aquili, Ramachandran).

“The Philosophy of Immanuel Kant” (Stanford University Continuing Studies Program, Spring 2002). Examined Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason and Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals.

“Mind, Matter, and Mortality: Philosophy in Dialogue” (Stanford University Continuing Studies Program, Winter 2002). Discussed dialogues—by Plato, Mencius, Berkeley, Hume, and John Perry—about the nature and existence of the soul, material bodies, and God.

“Confucian Philosophy” (Stanford University Continuing Studies Program Summer 2001). Investigated Confucius’ views about human nature, ethics, politics, knowledge, and value.

“Human Nature” (UT-Austin, Spring 1998). Explicated and critically evaluated a variety of conceptions of what a human being is, how (and whether) this individual relates to society, God, and other individuals, what an ideal human being is, and what it takes to become one.

“Contemporary Moral Problems” (UT-Austin, Fall 1997). Taught ethical theory, current commentary on moral issues (including welfare policy, gender issues, and race relations), and the art of critical thinking.

“Introduction to Philosophy” (Austin Community College, Spring 1997). Offered students both a broad understanding of the development of major philosophical themes (through a survey of brief selections from classic works) and a precise insight into the intricacies of selected philosophical texts (through a close reading of Plato’s Euthyphro and Descartes’ Meditations).

“Introduction to Philosophy” (Austin Community College, Fall 1996). Presented a topical introduction to the Western philosophical tradition, including epistemology, religion, and personal identity, with emphasis on teaching students how to proceed through a series of philosophical questions in logical sequence.

“English for Master’s and Doctoral Students” (Hunan College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Changsha, People’s Republic of China, Fall 1993, Spring 1994). Taught all aspects of the English language, including grammar, usage, composition, and reading.

Faculty or Faculty Development Seminars Taught

“Inclusive Teaching” A four-day seminar for Lehigh faculty. (annually, starting in January 2018)

“The Confucian Analects.” Philosophy Department Faculty Seminar (Lehigh, Spring 2013). Led a semester-long seminar on the Analects and Roger Ames’ Confucian Role Ethics.

“Writing in Philosophy Courses.” (Lehigh University, Fall 2012). A three-session workshop series for eight faculty members in department of Philosophy.

“Innovative Teaching Methods and Faculty Development.” (Lehigh University, Summer 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014). A two-day workshop for twenty faculty visitors from China’s Southeast University.

“Social Justice and Diversity.” (Lehigh University, 2010-11). A yearlong faculty seminar on incorporating social justice and diversity themes into courses across the curriculum.

“Constructing Confucius.” Philosophy Department Faculty Seminar (Lehigh, Fall 2008). Led a semester-long seminar on a book manuscript in progress.

“Global Citizenship Faculty Seminar.” (Lehigh, Spring 2007) Led a weekly seminar for 12 Lehigh faculty on rethinking disciplinary courses in order to incorporate globalization themes, content and values.

“Global Citizenship Faculty Seminar.” (Lehigh, Spring 2006). Same

“Innovations in Teaching Large Lecture Introductory Courses.” (ITaLLIC) Led a bi-weekly seminar with 6 Lehigh faculty and 3 instructional technologists on examining and improving approaches to teaching large lectures courses.


Courses Taught (as teaching fellow at Stanford)

“The Self, the Sacred and the Human Good” (Stanford University, Fall 2003. w/ Lee Yearley and Tobias Wolff). Taught an interdisciplinary, cross-cultural approach to questions of how humans create value in the face of social and personal evil. Texts included Tolstoy’s The Death of Ivan Ilych, Melville’s Bartleby the Scrivener, Dante’s Inferno and Purgatorio, the Chuang Tzu, short stories by Isak Dinesen, and Camus’ The Stranger.

“Visions of Mortality” (Stanford University, Fall 2002. w/ Chris Bobonich, Lanier Anderson, Barbara Koenig ). Led students to consider questions of mortality through the study of a variety of philosophical, anthropological, literary, and bioethical perspectives. Texts included Tolstoy’s The Death of Ivan Ilych, Lucretius’ On the Nature of Things, Schopenhauer’s Essays and Aphorisms, Montaigne’s Essays, the Tibetan Book of the Dead, Daniel Callahan’s The Troubled Dream of Life, and selected articles by Thomas Nagel, Beth Conklin, Gary Greenberg, and Sharon Kaufman.

“Reason, Passion, and Reality-Part 2” (Stanford University, Spring 2001 and 2002. w/ Tamar Shapiro and Nadeem Hussein). Introduced students to major figures and themes in modern philosophy through close study of Descartes’ Meditations, Hume’s Enquiry, Hutcheson’s Illustrations, Kant’s Groundwork, Dostoevsky’s Notes from Underground, Sartre’s Existentialism as a Humanism, James’ Essays on Pragmatism, and DuBois’ The Souls of Black Folk.

“Reason, Passion, and Reality-Part 1” (Stanford University, Winter 2002. w/Julius Moravcsik, Chris Bobonich). Introduced students to major figures and themes in ancient philosophy through careful study of Homer’s Iliad, Sophocles’ Philoctetes, Plato’s Republic, Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics, Confucius’ Analects, and the Christian Bible.

“The Art of Living” (Stanford University, Fall 2001. w/  Lanier Anderson and Josh Landy). Provided students with the methodological tools needed for humanistic inquiry by studying questions of value and identity as found in Plato’s Symposium, Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales, Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, Nietzsche’s Gay Science, and Ellison’s Invisible Man.

“The Good Life” (Stanford University, Fall 2000.w/ Harry Elam, Lanier Anderson, Rush Rehm). Presented various conceptions of an ideal human existence and taught interdisciplinary skills of philosophical, literary, dramatic, and historical analysis. Texts included Plato’s Symposium, Shakespeare’s Hamlet, Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, Ellison’s Invisible Man, and Beckett’s Endgame.

“Word and the World” (Stanford University, Fall 1999. w/ Haun Saussey, Tim Lenoir, Larry Friedlander). Taught students how foundational texts create meaning and how this meaning shapes worlds. Texts included Genesis, the Shang Shu, Blade Runner, Hamlet and Descartes’ Meditations.

Courses Assisted (leading discussion sections and grading)

“Problems of Knowledge and Valuation” (University of Texas at Austin, Fall 1995, Spring 1996, Fall 1996, Spring 1997, Spring 1998 w/ Robert Kane and Tom Seung). Taught ethics, metaphysics, epistemology, and political philosophy to University of Texas at Austin’s honors students.

“Introduction to Philosophy” (University of Texas at Austin, Spring 1995). Focused on epistemology, philosophy of religion, and philosophy of science.

“Contemporary Moral Problems” (University of Texas at Austin, Fall 1994). Taught applied ethics, specifically the topics of abortion, world hunger, the death penalty, and sexual ethics. 

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