Learn New Languages with Mango


mango logo

Lehigh Libraries is excited to introduce Mango Languages, a language learning platform that includes instruction in over 70 world languages and more than 20 English courses.

Mango includes  a wide variety of ways to learn: short, conversation-focused lessons; flashcards; quizzes,  interactive movies; and specialty courses that cover a range of culturally-specific topics.  Once you create an account, you are able to track your progress in your language(s) of choice, cumulatively building vocabulary, grammar, and cultural background as you move through each lesson and chapter.

Not brand new to the language but want to pick up where you left off? Take a placement test to begin exactly where your skillset suits you, or jump right into any lesson. Mango also includes a feature where users can create “family profiles” and add other users to their account for group learning.

Using Mango with an Account

screenshot of Mango interface


Mango is available via desktop and mobile app (Google Play and Apple App Store). To sign up for an account, visit this page and click “Sign Up”. If you are off campus, you will need to first authenticate as a Lehigh user. (Note that you have to sign up for an account via desktop before you can use the app):

Once you designate your username and password, you will be able to access lessons immediately. You can then use that same username and password to log in to the app.


Using Mango as a Guest

Just want to try Mango out? Visit the signup page and click “Use Mango as a Guest” to explore!







Looking for more? Check out these guide pages for additional Mango features:

Learn Tab
Explore Tab
Creating Family Profiles
Downloading lessons

If you are interested in using Mango’s Classroom feature to set up tracked group learning for a class or co-curricular experience, or have any questions, please contact Jasmine Woodson at jasmine@lehigh.edu.