Congradulations on graduations of Zisheng Wang and Yicheng Chen

The Ph. D. students of Prof Blum, Zisheng Wang and Yicheng Chen, graduated from Lehigh University in May, 2021. Zisheng Wang and Yicheng Chen both obtained their B. S. in the Unversity of Electronic Science and Technology of China in 2015 and 2016, respectively.

Yicheng Chen passed his doctoral defense entitled “Ordered Transmissions, Estimation, and Parameter Learning” on April 26 th, 2021. Zisheng Wang passed his doctoral defense entitled “Cybersecurity for Some Cyber Physical Systems Through Machine Learning” on April 28th, 2021. Both students did a great job during their time in SPCRL.

Prof Blum is so proud of his latest PhD graduates Yicheng and Zisheng. They were so great to work with and demonstrated excellence in research in such a difficult time. They will be greatly missed and fondly remembered.  They will go out and do amazing things in the world and have excellent careers. Best wishes for the future of Dr. Wang and Dr. Chen.

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