I was broken
The husk that was given to me before life even flowed through my veins
Had been damaged
Somehow on its way to earth
It must’ve hit a tree…
Either that. . . or it just landed in dirt
Maybe I lost my signal in the catastrophe
Cuz from what I’ve been reading in the Bible
God promised the world to me
My husk is seen as less than
You try to ignore the obvious
But black lives are just seen as more volatile
So I’m forced to prove that that is wrong
No matter the obstacle
Is that fair?
That by default I’m judged as having the ferocity of a killer
Sometimes even worse
Shit, Dylan Roof got a burger
Where is my whopper with cheese?
Was I undeserving?
Fine, I probably wouldn’t even have taken it
But y’all make me want to just abandon ship
How am I supposed to serve my “country”
If y’all treat my people
Like we’re less than shit?