International Voices is a student club and literary magazine re-founded in 2017.

International Voices: Intercultural Literary Journal celebrates Lehigh’s diverse community of student, staff, and faculty artists, photographers, and writers. The student governed magazine highlights the creativity, diversity, and inspiration that flourish at Lehigh University.

International Voices is far more than a literary magazine. This club hosts several social activities and service events throughout the academic year. IV has collaborated with the Center for Gender Equity, Lehigh After Dark, and the larger Bethlehem community.

If you are interested in joining International Voices, we would love to have you! Please submit your request to join through LINC. If you are interested in assuming a leadership role within International Voices and joining our e-board, elections take place once a year, at the beginning of the Fall semester.

General meetings are held monthly, and all are welcome to attend. If you have any questions, please contact Teresa Cusumano, Faculty Advisor.