This one wraps his love in a ball while the sun is dawning,
Twists his fingers and turns it into butterflies
That he can feed my open mouth while I snore
So when I wake,
There’s a ball of butterflies in my stomach
But there’s always empty space, I always want more.
Because he’s tricked me into thinking
That butterflies are equal to love,
And both my mind and my heart know the truth,
But forget it,
There’s a chance the butterflies are love.
So I stay in his bed,
Let him wrap me up so we fit together like a glove
Because this is heartbreak at 3 AM,
And that’s something I can’t get out of.

Heartbreak may be painful,
But then again, sometimes so is love.
And despite the risk
I’m willing to risk it all.
I’ll let him play me like his favorite instrument and I’ll write the song.
I’ll sing along to his beat,
Let him tear me apart with that beautiful music,
And remedy me.
Doesn’t matter if the agony is a 10 on the scale because his poison, it
nearly tastes sweet
Because this is heartbreak at 3 AM and pain is what I need.

A’Taja Jackson