The most amusing word of my era! Not only creates the shimmering pride for the owners holding it, but also nervousness for the naive contestants who gets deranged by the voice of it. I personally get elated to hear this word authenticity for two major reasons; first; it creates the innate sense to check on the credentials of what we are and what we want to do; second; it is nothing but the scrutiny of the percentage functionality of a credible resource. Technical definitions apart; when this term is attributed to the living beings such as humans, I am curiously in love with it! As this can revolutionize the interactions that a person wanted to create with worldly features. This very word which made me to go in search for truth, has surely and wittingly paved similar way for the fellows to venture into the same. The very word which shakes your core with no second thoughts.

The very word which can transform a poignant moment and amend it to the moment filled with zest of gratification. The onset of one’s search for these attributes can push them into the venture of truth and a great experimentation with the self deliberation. As a

result, I was pushed off the cliff like moth to a flame. Is it bad to be cognitive candidate to such experimentation? If  so; why do we fall for such facts? I cannot stop wondering about the facts that the nascent part of my quest is longing for the earnestness of the happenings around me, while the wisdom takes a U-Turn in case of deliberation. So, are

we programmed to be arrogant when pointed the reality? If truth hurts are we destined to be in pain and suffering? Or as a miraculous turn of events; can we live in harmony with us when we venture the cruel part of us and still get transformed into this holy fiction?

Questions smothering my brain; I can only keep thinking about this very word “Authenticity”. Does it really matter to be authentic? Or flexibility is a witty tool we are gifted with? To amend to the ways of the world? Or not to? To pave way for the innovation? Of subtle transition to ignorance? To acknowledge the knowledge is ocean?

Or a survival drop of water? To be exposed? Or to be detested? Raging tides, never has failed in its principle from allowing me to sleep!  So did this very word! I wish to end this

note with the particular dilemma!


Monicka Kullappan