April 21 2019

Digital Design Log #12

I used to think failures and mistakes were the worst thing that could possibly happen. I strive for perfection when I design something or do anything for that matter, but quickly learned that it’s not always possible. Failures are a part of the learning process and mistakes happen (some are even out of your control).  Now, I think about my mistakes/failures and try to figure out a way that I can learn from it and turn those errors into a positive experience. One of my biggest weaknesses is in regards to time management. I used to get overwhelmed with a lot of assignments due all at once, and that would cause me to rush through a lot of my work (resulting in sloppy, unfinished projects, papers, tests, etc.). I’ve started to accept the fact of failure recently, when taking courses with Dr. Vallera because she encourages failure and puts way more focus on the actual process of learning and designing. I think that plays a big part in learning how to grow as a student and professional because when you have a Professor who doesn’t expect you to be perfect all the time, but rather, encourages students to embrace our mistakes as an opportunity for reflection, that helps promote the learning process. I am able to take my time going through the different learning tools, theories, and strategies, to fully open myself up to new ideas, knowing that I can explore these things on my own terms. The reflection part is key because when mistakes are made, I can take a step back and understand where I went wrong and think about ways to improve for the future and hopefully not make the same mistake twice.

Posted April 21, 2019 by jeb717 in category Uncategorized

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