The three main actors in my GSIF conceptual framework are Lehigh professors, Lehigh students, and the partners we’ve established inContinue reading
Category: CINQ 396
Blog 9: Conceptual Framework – Safe Motherhood
Safe Motherhood documentaries focus on celebrating human ingenuity to reduce maternal mortality by capturing the stories of resilience in SierraContinue reading
Blog 8: systems thinking
Interdependence Relationships that are symbiotic in that when one person makes a decision it directly affects another or the largerContinue reading
Blog 7: Partners
Partners List World Hope International They provided us with a place to work, a starting point to find additional contactsContinue reading
Blog 6
Goals: What are the personal goals of each member on this team? (Team Member #1,#2, #3, etc) Jessica – IContinue reading
oo5. ethics #4
Case 1: 1: Facts of situation: The 14 million trees in India have been used extensively over the pastContinue reading
oo4. ethics #3
PART 1 Step 1: Determine the facts in the situation 35% of the children in this East African region haveContinue reading
oo3. ethics #2
Step 1: Determine the facts Jack is in Kenya for 5 months Center for former street youth Jack was theContinue reading
oo2. ethics #1
State the facts You are in Lesotho which is a developing setting with a different cultural and social context thanContinue reading
o1. lessons learned
Three things I learned: Over the course of the fieldwork, we conducted many interviews and received some answers that didContinue reading