Blog 7

1: Mushrooms can be integrated into a traditional Sierra Leonian diet.

2: People will want to pay whatever the market price is

3: An MPS is the best and most efficient way to grow mushrooms

4: We can alter the environment of an MPS to best fit the needs of the mushrooms

5: Proper sterilization techniques can be implemented without constant oversight by us.

6: People will love Mushrooms!

7: It’s possible for us to collect spores from our mushrooms in order to keep growing spawn

8: The introduction of non native mushrooms won’t have an impact on either the people eating them or the environment.

9: The government doesn’t care or realize that we are illegally bring agricultural products into the country

10: People will want to work as mushroom farmers

1: Do people like mushrooms

2: How will people eat mushrooms

3: Is the price of mushrooms approximately 2 dollars a kilo

4: Can mushrooms even be grown in Salone

5: Oyster mushrooms can grow on rice straw

6: Barley is the best grain for spawn

7: Both spawn and substrate bags must be pressure cooked to ensure sterilization

8: People have enough openness to change to consider trying mushrooms (which they may have never seen before) and possibly even cultivate them.

9: Grain drying is vital to the spawn process

10: straw alone can provide the mycelium enough nutrients

Even if I am not confident in something, I don’t let that affect my attitude towards it and does not allow it to affect the team. I also love to have conversations with people, so I feel I can bring my team together and prevent any conflict before it would even begin to arise. I also have a lot of knowledge (at least comparatively)as to how things actually work in Sierra Leone which helps the team focus on relevant tasks.

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