Team Blog 2

  1. What SDGs does your project target? What might be reasonable indicators for those SDGs?
  •  Good health and wellbeing
    • Indicator 3.1: “By 2030, reduce the global maternal mortality ratio to less than 70 per 100,000 live births”
      • maternal mortality ratio
      • proportion of births attended by Skilled health personnel
    • Indicator 3. c Training of healthcare workforce in developing countries
  • 17 Global partnership:
    • Indicator 17.6- enhance access to science, technology, and innovation in developing countries
    • Indicator 17.6.1  Fixed Internet broadband subscriptions per 100 inhabitants, by speed
  • 4 Quality education (healthcare workers) 
    • Indicator 4.c.1 Proportion of teachers(healthcare) with the minimum required qualifications, by education level
    • 4.7.1 Extent to which (i) global citizenship education and (ii) education for sustainable development are mainstreamed in (a) national education policies; (b) curricula; (c) teacher education and (d) student assessment
    • 4.4.1 Proportion of youth and adults with information and communications technology (ICT) skills, by type of skill 

The AISHA project aligns with several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), primarily focusing on SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being. The project contributes to SDG 3 by targeting key indicators such as the reduction of the global maternal mortality ratio to less than 70 per 100,000 live births (Indicator 3.1). Additionally, AISHA addresses the proportion of births attended by skilled health personnel, emphasizing the importance of skilled assistance during childbirth. The initiative extends its impact to SDG 17: Global Partnership, particularly focusing on Indicator 17.6 to enhance access to science, technology, and innovation in developing countries. Moreover, AISHA aims to improve the training of the healthcare workforce in developing countries, aligning with the broader goal of building strong, resilient health systems. In the realm of SDG 4: Quality Education, AISHA contributes by targeting indicators such as the proportion of healthcare teachers with the minimum required qualifications (Indicator 4.c.1) and the extent to which global citizenship education and education for sustainable development are mainstreamed in national education policies and curricula (Indicator 4.7.1). Additionally, the project addresses ICT skills among youth and adults, focusing on the proportion of information and communications technology skills (Indicator 4.4.1). By strategically aligning with these SDGs and corresponding indicators, AISHA aims to make a meaningful impact on health, education, and global partnerships in Sierra Leone.


 2. Crystallize the larger challenge your venture seeks to address, the specific problems you are targeting, and the kinds of opportunities you hope to leverage.

  • Grand Challenge: Ineffective healthcare practices that lead to preventable deaths., specifically maternal health, preeclampsia
  • Megatrend: Rise of AI, technology, peer platform, digitalization  
  • Dream at what context: using the existing device (Alexa) to help educate local healthcare workers to comply with healthcare protocols and to communicate in both English and Krio. 
  • Specific problem: Community health workers do not get proper education due to not having proper access to healthcare education; compliance to healthcare protocols 
  • Specific opportunities: Everyone can access AISHA on their cell phones; able to process huge datasets, available in any language, able to answer complex questions and describe complex procedures
  • Specific actionable opportunities: Alexa devices can be implemented in facilities (Internet access is getting easier, the rise of AI, conversational culture, Alexa technology), and healthcare workers can ask simple questions


The venture addresses the grand challenge of ineffective healthcare practices leading to preventable deaths, with a specific focus on maternal health and preeclampsia. In the context of the rising megatrend of AI, technology, peer platforms, and digitalization, the dream is to utilize existing devices, such as Alexa, to educate local healthcare workers, ensuring compliance with healthcare protocols and facilitating communication in both English and Krio. The specific problem being tackled is the lack of proper education for community health workers due to limited access to healthcare education resources, leading to non-compliance with healthcare protocols. The opportunities lie in the accessibility of AISHA through cell phones, its ability to process vast datasets, its availability in multiple languages, and the capacity to answer complex questions and describe intricate medical procedures. Actionable opportunities include the implementation of Alexa devices in healthcare facilities, leveraging the increasing ease of internet access, the growing prevalence of AI, the emerging conversational culture, and the advanced technology of Alexa. Healthcare workers can easily pose simple questions, enhancing their knowledge and adherence to protocols.


3. Identify the two most important social, economic, and environmental bottom lines that matter to your project.

    1. Social
      1. healthcare education and quality 
      2. Community empowerment and education 
    2. Economic
      1. Bring an innovative application of a cheap device that contributes to filling a gap created primarily by economic disparity
      2. Effective resource management in healthcare 
      3. Economic empowerment through education
    3. Environmental
      1. Technology-Driven Environmental Impact
      2. Language Accessibility and Inclusivity
    4. Purpose 
      1. Improving healthcare practices.
      2. Innovating and applying machine learning to healthcare practices


4. Describe ten cultural factors that might impact your project at various phases in its lifecycle.

    1. Language Barrier
    2. Lack of trust 
    3. Limited technology literacy
    4. Traditional Beliefs and Practices
    5. Limited access to the internet
    6. Conversational vernacular may cause a disconnect between ai and user
    7. Healthcare stigma 
    8. Community participation 
    9. Gender Dynamics in Sierra Leonean culture
    10. Culture of community decision making

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