Team Blog 15

What specific challenges might arise when navigating legal and regulatory frameworks for your project, and might you proactively address these challenges while staying compliant with the laws?


One challenge we may encounter is navigating the complex legal and regulatory landscape surrounding healthcare education in Sierra Leone. This could involve ensuring compliance with local laws governing education, healthcare, and technology, as well as adhering to international standards and guidelines. To proactively address these challenges, we will engage legal experts with expertise in both healthcare and technology law to provide guidance and ensure that our project remains compliant at all stages of development and implementation. Additionally, we will establish clear processes for reviewing and updating our practices to reflect any changes in regulations or legal requirements.


How might you strike a balance between complying with local laws and regulations and upholding high ethical standards, especially when faced with situations where the two may come into conflict? Give specific examples.


 Striking a balance between complying with local laws and upholding high ethical standards is paramount to our project’s success. For example, if local regulations require certain data protection measures that conflict with our ethical principles of transparency and user privacy, we will work to find solutions that meet both legal and ethical requirements. This might involve implementing additional safeguards to protect user data while still maintaining transparency about how their information is used. By prioritizing open communication, stakeholder engagement, and a commitment to ethical decision-making, we can navigate these challenges with integrity and accountability.


As you reflect on the workshop discussions and insights gained, what specific actions or adjustments will you make in your stakeholder engagement and decision-making processes to align more closely with ethical principles and legal requirements?

– Building on insights gained from workshop discussions, we will make specific adjustments to our stakeholder engagement and decision-making processes to better align with ethical principles and legal requirements. This includes:

     – Implementing regular ethics training for team members to ensure a shared understanding of ethical considerations and responsibilities.

     – Strengthening transparency and accountability measures, such as publicly documenting our adherence to ethical guidelines and legal requirements in project reports and communications.


Write 3 elevator speeches about your project:


For a professor/advisor

  • “Our project aims to revolutionize healthcare education in Sierra Leone by leveraging artificial intelligence to deliver tailored training content through Amazon Alexa. We’re addressing the critical need for accessible and relevant education for healthcare workers in primary healthcare units, empowering them with the knowledge and skills to improve healthcare outcomes in their communities.”

For an interviewer for a summer internship

  • “I’m excited to share our project, which focuses on using AI technology to transform healthcare education in Sierra Leone. Through our Amazon Alexa skill, we’re providing healthcare workers with convenient access to training on a range of essential topics, from maternal health to infectious diseases. It’s a unique opportunity to make a tangible impact on healthcare delivery in underserved communities.”

For a roommate asking about your project

  • “Hey! So, I’m working on this cool project that’s all about using Alexa to teach healthcare workers in Sierra Leone. We’re basically creating this voice-activated learning tool that covers everything from first aid to vaccinations, tailored specifically for their needs. It’s pretty neat to see how technology can make such a big difference in healthcare, you know?”


Team Blog 13

Develop a budget that captures all the non-recurring (one-time / capital) expenses to get your venture up and running.

ALEXA Devices 15 $30.00 $450.00
Solar Power batteries 15 $20.00 $300.00
Mifi (gb) 15 $5.00 $75.00


Develop pessimistic, optimistic, and realistic sales projections for your venture over three years (at six month intervals).  &  Develop a detailed income statement for your venture for three years (at six month intervals). Explicitly state the assumptions that underlie your financial model.     

At our current stage of the project, creating detailed sales projections and income statements spanning three years with six-month intervals poses a challenge. As we are still in the early phases of development and implementation, our focus is primarily on laying the groundwork for the project, refining our product, and establishing partnerships and collaborations. We are actively engaged in conducting fieldwork, gathering data, and iterating on our approach based on feedback and insights gained from stakeholders and pilot studies. Given the dynamic and evolving nature of the project, attempting to forecast sales and revenue with a high degree of accuracy over a multi-year period would be speculative and potentially misleading. Instead, our priority is on building a strong foundation, validating our assumptions, and demonstrating the value and feasibility of our solution before embarking on detailed financial projections. As we progress and achieve key milestones, we will be better positioned to develop more robust financial models that accurately reflect the growth and scalability of our venture.