Team Blog 15

What specific challenges might arise when navigating legal and regulatory frameworks for your project, and might you proactively address these challenges while staying compliant with the laws?


One challenge we may encounter is navigating the complex legal and regulatory landscape surrounding healthcare education in Sierra Leone. This could involve ensuring compliance with local laws governing education, healthcare, and technology, as well as adhering to international standards and guidelines. To proactively address these challenges, we will engage legal experts with expertise in both healthcare and technology law to provide guidance and ensure that our project remains compliant at all stages of development and implementation. Additionally, we will establish clear processes for reviewing and updating our practices to reflect any changes in regulations or legal requirements.


How might you strike a balance between complying with local laws and regulations and upholding high ethical standards, especially when faced with situations where the two may come into conflict? Give specific examples.


 Striking a balance between complying with local laws and upholding high ethical standards is paramount to our project’s success. For example, if local regulations require certain data protection measures that conflict with our ethical principles of transparency and user privacy, we will work to find solutions that meet both legal and ethical requirements. This might involve implementing additional safeguards to protect user data while still maintaining transparency about how their information is used. By prioritizing open communication, stakeholder engagement, and a commitment to ethical decision-making, we can navigate these challenges with integrity and accountability.


As you reflect on the workshop discussions and insights gained, what specific actions or adjustments will you make in your stakeholder engagement and decision-making processes to align more closely with ethical principles and legal requirements?

– Building on insights gained from workshop discussions, we will make specific adjustments to our stakeholder engagement and decision-making processes to better align with ethical principles and legal requirements. This includes:

     – Implementing regular ethics training for team members to ensure a shared understanding of ethical considerations and responsibilities.

     – Strengthening transparency and accountability measures, such as publicly documenting our adherence to ethical guidelines and legal requirements in project reports and communications.


Write 3 elevator speeches about your project:


For a professor/advisor

  • “Our project aims to revolutionize healthcare education in Sierra Leone by leveraging artificial intelligence to deliver tailored training content through Amazon Alexa. We’re addressing the critical need for accessible and relevant education for healthcare workers in primary healthcare units, empowering them with the knowledge and skills to improve healthcare outcomes in their communities.”

For an interviewer for a summer internship

  • “I’m excited to share our project, which focuses on using AI technology to transform healthcare education in Sierra Leone. Through our Amazon Alexa skill, we’re providing healthcare workers with convenient access to training on a range of essential topics, from maternal health to infectious diseases. It’s a unique opportunity to make a tangible impact on healthcare delivery in underserved communities.”

For a roommate asking about your project

  • “Hey! So, I’m working on this cool project that’s all about using Alexa to teach healthcare workers in Sierra Leone. We’re basically creating this voice-activated learning tool that covers everything from first aid to vaccinations, tailored specifically for their needs. It’s pretty neat to see how technology can make such a big difference in healthcare, you know?”


Team Blog 13

Develop a budget that captures all the non-recurring (one-time / capital) expenses to get your venture up and running.

ALEXA Devices 15 $30.00 $450.00
Solar Power batteries 15 $20.00 $300.00
Mifi (gb) 15 $5.00 $75.00


Develop pessimistic, optimistic, and realistic sales projections for your venture over three years (at six month intervals).  &  Develop a detailed income statement for your venture for three years (at six month intervals). Explicitly state the assumptions that underlie your financial model.     

At our current stage of the project, creating detailed sales projections and income statements spanning three years with six-month intervals poses a challenge. As we are still in the early phases of development and implementation, our focus is primarily on laying the groundwork for the project, refining our product, and establishing partnerships and collaborations. We are actively engaged in conducting fieldwork, gathering data, and iterating on our approach based on feedback and insights gained from stakeholders and pilot studies. Given the dynamic and evolving nature of the project, attempting to forecast sales and revenue with a high degree of accuracy over a multi-year period would be speculative and potentially misleading. Instead, our priority is on building a strong foundation, validating our assumptions, and demonstrating the value and feasibility of our solution before embarking on detailed financial projections. As we progress and achieve key milestones, we will be better positioned to develop more robust financial models that accurately reflect the growth and scalability of our venture.

Team Blog 12

Create three alternate business models for your venture.


  1. Subscription-Based Model 
  • Description
    • AISHA offers subscription-based access to its comprehensive healthcare education platform, providing healthcare workers with essential knowledge, resources, and support to improve patient care and outcomes.
  • Customer Segments:
    • Healthcare Facilities: Targeting primary healthcare units, clinics, and hospitals in underserved communities, where healthcare workers require access to quality education and training.
    • Healthcare Workers: Including nurses, clinical officers, and community health workers who seek ongoing professional development and support in their roles.
  • Key Partners:
    • Nonprofit Organizations: Collaborating with local and international nonprofits working in healthcare, education, and technology sectors to amplify reach and impact.
    • Government Health Ministries: Partnering with government agencies to align initiatives with national healthcare priorities and regulations.
  • Revenue Streams:
    • Subscription Fees: Generating revenue through recurring subscription fees paid by healthcare facilities or individual healthcare workers for access to AISHA’s platform.
    • Tiered Pricing: Offering different subscription tiers with varying levels of access and features to cater to the diverse needs and budgets of customers.
  • Customer Relationship:
    • Continuous Support: Providing ongoing customer support, training, and updates to ensure that subscribers maximize the value of their subscription.
    • Community Engagement: Fostering a community of practice among subscribers, facilitating knowledge sharing, collaboration, and peer support.
  • Channels:
    • Direct Sales: Utilizing direct sales channels to reach healthcare facilities and individual healthcare workers, offering personalized consultations and demonstrations to showcase the value of the subscription.
    • Online Platform: Leveraging AISHA’s website and digital marketing channels to promote subscription offerings and facilitate online sign-ups.
  • Key Activities:
    • Content Development: Continuously curating and creating high-quality educational content, including lessons, tutorials, case studies, and reference materials, to enrich the subscription platform.
    • Platform Maintenance: Regularly updating and maintaining the subscription platform to ensure optimal performance, security, and user experience.
  • Cost Structure:
    • Content Creation Costs: Investments in content development, including salaries for content creators, licensing fees for third-party resources, and production expenses.
    • Technology Infrastructure: Costs associated with maintaining and scaling the subscription platform, including hosting fees, software licenses, and IT support.
  • Value Proposition:
    • Access to Comprehensive Education: Subscribers gain access to a comprehensive library of healthcare education resources, covering a wide range of topics and specialties, to enhance their knowledge and skills.
    • Convenience and Flexibility: Subscribers can access educational content anytime, anywhere, on any device, providing flexibility to fit learning into their busy schedules.
    • Professional Development Support: AISHA’s subscription service offers ongoing support and resources to help healthcare workers stay up-to-date with the latest developments in their field and advance their careers.


  1. Social Impact Model:
  • Description 
    • AISHA operates as a nonprofit social enterprise focused on leveraging technology to improve healthcare outcomes and access in underserved communities, particularly in Sierra Leone.
  • Key Partners:
    • Nonprofit Organizations: Collaborates with local and international nonprofits working in healthcare, education, and technology sectors.
    • Government Agencies: Partners with government health ministries and agencies to implement programs and initiatives.
    • Technology Partners: Collaborates with technology companies to develop and deploy innovative solutions.
  • Activities:
    • Technology Development: Designs and develops AISHA’s health education platform, including content creation, software development, and user experience design
    • Program Implementation: Executes projects and initiatives to deploy AISHA in primary healthcare units (PHUs) and train healthcare workers on its use.
    • Capacity Building: Provides training and support to healthcare workers and community members to enhance their digital literacy and healthcare knowledge.
  • Resources
    • Technology Expertise: Employs a team of technologists, software developers, and healthcare experts to develop and maintain the AISHA platform.
    • Funding: Relies on grants, donations, and philanthropic support to finance its operations and programs.
    • Partnerships: Leverages partnerships with nonprofits, government agencies, and technology firms to amplify its impact and reach.
  • Value Proposition:
    • Accessible Healthcare Education: Provides healthcare workers in PHUs with access to a digital health education platform, enabling them to improve their knowledge and skills.
    • Improved Health Outcomes: AISHA’s platform equips healthcare workers with evidence-based information and resources to deliver better care, leading to improved health outcomes for communities.
    • Scalable and Sustainable Solution: AISHA’s technology-driven approach allows for scalability and long-term sustainability, reaching remote and underserved areas with limited resources.
  • Customer Relationship:
    • Collaborative Partnerships: Engages with partners and stakeholders in collaborative relationships to co-create and implement projects.
    • Community Engagement: Builds relationships with healthcare workers, community leaders, and beneficiaries to understand their needs and involve them in program design and implementation.
  • Channels
    • Direct Outreach: Engages directly with healthcare facilities, government agencies, and community organizations through outreach efforts, events, and partnerships.
    • Digital Platforms: Utilizes its website, social media channels, and digital communication tools to disseminate information, share resources, and connect with stakeholders.
  • Customer Segments:
    • Healthcare Workers: Targets frontline healthcare workers in PHUs, including nurses, clinical officers, and community health workers.
    • Community Members: Also targets community members who benefit indirectly from improved healthcare services and education provided by AISHA.
  • Cost Structure:
    • Technology Development: Investments in software development, content creation, and platform maintenance.
    • Personnel Expenses: Costs associated with hiring and retaining skilled staff, including salaries, benefits, and training.
    • Overhead and Administrative Costs: Expenses related to office space, utilities, and administrative support.
  • Revenue Streams:
    • Grants and Donations: Secures funding from foundations, governments, and individual donors to support its programs and operations.
    • Fee-for-Service Contracts: Generates revenue through fee-for-service contracts with healthcare organizations or government agencies for training and implementation services.
    • Partnerships and Collaborations: Explores opportunities for revenue-sharing partnerships with technology providers or healthcare organizations leveraging the AISHA platform.


  1. White glove Service (Commission) 
  • Description
    • AISHA offers a personalized, high-touch service to healthcare facilities, providing tailored healthcare education solutions to meet their specific needs and challenges.
  • Customer Segments
    • Healthcare Facilities: Targeting hospitals, clinics, and primary healthcare units seeking customized healthcare education and training solutions for their staff.
    • Healthcare Workers: Including nurses, clinical officers, and community health workers who require personalized support and guidance in their professional development.
  • Key Partners
    • Healthcare Associations: Partnering with local and national healthcare associations to access their member networks and offer exclusive benefits and discounts.
    • Medical Equipment Suppliers: Collaborating with suppliers of medical equipment and supplies to offer bundled packages that include AISHA’s education services.
  • Revenue Streams:
    • Commission Fees: Generating revenue through commissions earned on the sale of AISHA’s education services to healthcare facilities, based on a percentage of the total transaction value.
    • Subscription Upgrades: Offering premium subscription packages with additional features and support services, which command higher commission rates.
  • Customer Relationship:
    • Personalized Consultations: Providing one-on-one consultations with healthcare facility administrators to assess their needs, customize education solutions, and address any concerns.
    • Ongoing Support: Offering dedicated customer support and account management services to ensure that healthcare facilities receive the highest level of service throughout their engagement with AISHA.
  • Channels:
    • Direct Sales Team: Deploying a dedicated sales team to engage directly with healthcare facilities, build relationships, and pitch AISHA’s education services.
    • Referral Program: Implementing a referral program that incentivizes existing customers, partners, and satisfied users to refer new healthcare facilities to AISHA’s white glove service.
  • Key Activities:
    • Needs Assessment: Conducting thorough needs assessments with healthcare facilities to identify gaps in education and training, as well as opportunities for improvement.
    • Solution Design: Collaborating with healthcare facility administrators to design customized education solutions that align with their goals, budget, and resources.
  • Cost Structure:
    • Sales and Marketing Expenses: Investments in sales team salaries, commissions, marketing campaigns, and promotional materials to acquire new customers and drive revenue growth.
    • Customer Support: Allocating resources to customer support staff, training programs, and helpdesk infrastructure to deliver exceptional service to healthcare facility clients.
  • Value Proposition:
    • Tailored Solutions: AISHA’s white glove service offers healthcare facilities personalized solutions that address their specific education and training needs, ensuring maximum impact and effectiveness.
    • Expert Guidance: Healthcare facilities benefit from expert guidance and support throughout the implementation process, from needs assessment to solution design and ongoing support.
    • Partnership Opportunities: AISHA’s commission-based model incentivizes healthcare facilities to partner with AISHA, fostering long-term relationships and mutual success.


Complete the table comparing the three models and discussing differences on the basis of:

  • Revenue Model; Cost Structure; Clearer Path to Next Steps; Clear First Customer; Risk Profile; Partnerships; Ability to Execute


Subscription-Based Model Social Impact Model White Glove Service (Commission)
Revenue Model Subscription Fees Grants and Donations Commission Fees
Cost Structure Content Creation Costs, Technology Infrastructure Technology Development, Personnel Expenses, Overhead and Administrative Costs Sales and Marketing Expenses, Customer Support
Clearer Path to Next Steps Clear path through subscription tiers and value-added features Programmatic approach with defined milestones and outcomes Direct engagement with sales team and referral program
Clear First Customer Healthcare facilities or individual healthcare workers seeking quality education and training Healthcare facilities in underserved communities seeking tailored solutions Healthcare facilities seeking personalized education solutions
Risk Profile Moderate Moderate Moderate-High
Partnerships Nonprofit Organizations, Government Health Ministries Nonprofit Organizations, Government Agencies, Technology Partners Healthcare Associations, Medical Equipment Suppliers
Ability to Execute Moderate Moderate Not really feasible 


Team Blog 14

Identify two SPECIFIC funding sources for the design phase of your project and two SPECIFIC funding sources for the dissemination (implementation / distribution / commercialization) phase of your project. For each funding source, explain why this is a good fit for your project, and what SPECIFIC aspect of your project might the funding source support.

  • Design
    •  IEEE – the world’s largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity.
      • Software Development and funding for buying resources 
    • USNSF (SCH) – Smart health and biomedical research in the era of artificial intelligence and advanced data science 
      • Software development 
  • Dissemination
    • GAVI 
      • Use of the AISHA platform 
    • Health Tech without Borders 
      • Use of the AISHA platform, to reach a larger audience 
    • Project Hope 
      • Use of the AISHA platform 


Identify five specific partnerships that you need to forge to advance your project forward with the ultimate goal of positively impacting at least one million people. Describe exactly how that partnership might help you achieve scale and why that entity might be willing to work with you.

  • Government Health Ministries:
    • Partnership Description: Collaborating with government health ministries in target countries to integrate the AISHA platform into existing healthcare systems.
    • How it Helps Achieve Scale: Government endorsement and integration can provide widespread access to AISHA across public healthcare facilities, reaching millions of healthcare workers and patients.
    • Why They Might Work with You: Governments aim to improve healthcare delivery and outcomes for their citizens. By partnering with AISHA, they can leverage innovative technology to enhance the capacity of their healthcare workforce and improve overall healthcare quality.
  • Global Health Organizations (e.g., WHO, UNICEF):
    • Partnership Description: Forming partnerships with global health organizations to advocate for the adoption of AISHA as a standardized healthcare education platform.
    • How it Helps Achieve Scale: Global health organizations have extensive networks and influence in the healthcare sector, which can facilitate the widespread adoption and implementation of AISHA in multiple countries.
    • Why They Might Work with You: These organizations are committed to improving global health outcomes and are always seeking innovative solutions to address healthcare challenges. By partnering with AISHA, they can support capacity-building efforts and contribute to better healthcare delivery.
    • Telecommunication Companies:
    • Partnership Description: Partnering with telecommunication companies to provide subsidized or free access to the AISHA platform via mobile networks.
    • How it Helps Achieve Scale: Leveraging mobile networks enables AISHA to reach remote and underserved areas where internet access may be limited. This expands the reach of the platform to millions of healthcare workers and communities.
    • Why They Might Work with You: Telecommunication companies are increasingly investing in initiatives that promote social impact and digital inclusion. Partnering with AISHA aligns with their corporate social responsibility goals and allows them to contribute to improving healthcare access and outcomes.
  • Technology Companies (e.g., Amazon, Google):
    • Partnership Description: Collaborating with technology companies to enhance the functionality and accessibility of the AISHA platform, leveraging their expertise in AI, cloud computing, and digital solutions.
    • How it Helps Achieve Scale: Integrating advanced technologies can enhance the effectiveness and scalability of the AISHA platform, making it more attractive to users and facilitating its adoption on a larger scale.
    • Why They Might Work with You: Technology companies are interested in initiatives that leverage their technology for social good. Partnering with AISHA allows them to showcase the potential impact of their technology in improving healthcare outcomes and supporting community development.
  • Local Healthcare NGOs and Community Organizations:
    • Partnership Description: Collaborating with local healthcare NGOs and community organizations to facilitate the implementation and adoption of AISHA at the grassroots level.
    • How it Helps Achieve Scale: Local organizations have deep knowledge of community needs and dynamics, enabling targeted outreach and engagement to ensure the effective deployment of AISHA in diverse settings.
    • Why They Might Work with You: Local organizations are committed to addressing healthcare disparities and empowering communities. Partnering with AISHA provides them with a valuable tool to enhance healthcare delivery and education, aligning with their mission to improve health outcomes at the local level. 

Team Blog 11

From the social enterprises we reviewed today, or others you have studied, identify ten extremely specific strategies that you can leverage for your project. The strategies can be about the technology, the business model, access to capital, customer education, messaging, thought leadership, etc.

  • Partnership with Local NGOs and Community Organizations
    • Collaborate with local nonprofits and community organizations to gain insights into community needs, access to target beneficiaries, and credibility within the local context.
  • Technology Adaptation for Low-Connectivity Environments
    • Develop technology solutions optimized for low-connectivity settings, ensuring that users in remote or underserved areas can access and benefit from the platform even with limited internet access.
  • Community-Based Training and Capacity Building:
    • Implement community-based training programs to empower local healthcare workers and community members with the skills and knowledge needed to utilize the AISHA platform effectively and sustainably.
  • User-Centric Design and Iterative Feedback Loops:
    • Employ user-centric design principles and iterate based on feedback from end-users, continuously improving the platform’s usability, relevance, and effectiveness in addressing user needs.
  • Localized Content and Culturally Relevant Messaging:
    • Develop localized content and messaging tailored to the cultural, linguistic, and contextual nuances of the target communities, ensuring that the platform resonates with and meets the specific needs of diverse user groups.
    • In the case of community health workers in Sierra Leone, making it more conversational/ being able to talk in Krio would allow us to be able to better cater towards the target audience 
  • Hybrid Business Model with Diverse Revenue Streams:
    • Adopt a hybrid business model that combines nonprofit and for-profit elements, leveraging diverse revenue streams such as grants, donations, fee-for-service contracts, and partnerships to ensure financial sustainability and scalability.
  • Impact Measurement and Reporting Framework:
    • Establish robust impact measurement and reporting frameworks to track key performance indicators, demonstrate social impact, and communicate outcomes effectively to stakeholders, donors, and investors.
  • Strategic Thought Leadership and Advocacy:
    • Position the organization as a thought leader in the intersection of technology and social impact, advocating for policy changes, resource allocation, and systemic reforms to address healthcare disparities and promote equitable access to healthcare services.
  • Access to Impact Investment and Social Venture Capital:
    • Explore opportunities to access impact investment and social venture capital funding from mission-aligned investors who prioritize both financial returns and social impact, enabling the organization to scale its operations and reach.
  • Community-Led Marketing and Awareness Campaigns:
    • Launch community-led marketing and awareness campaigns to promote the platform, build trust, and drive adoption among target communities, leveraging local influencers, community leaders, and grassroots networks to amplify messaging and engagement.


Create a first draft of your business model using the business model canvas. Please be as specific as possible and explain why you picked those specific approaches for each of the building blocks.


  1. Key Partnerships: NGOs, government branches, local community organizations, and distribution partners were chosen as key partners because they have existing networks, resources, and influence in Sierra Leone. Partnering with them allows access to a wider audience, facilitates community outreach, and enhances credibility and trust in the project.
  2. Key Activities: Developing and updating the AISHA platform, creating educational content, conducting training sessions, and advertising were chosen as key activities because they directly contribute to the core objectives of the project. These activities focus on building and improving the platform, educating healthcare workers, and promoting awareness and adoption of the service.
  3. Key Resources: Developers, content creators, data, brand reputation, and distribution channels were identified as key resources because they are essential for the successful implementation and operation of the project. These resources provide the necessary expertise, content, infrastructure, and reach to deliver the service effectively.
  4. Value Propositions: Quick and accurate medical responses, an expansive collection of medical knowledge, enhanced medical capabilities, and early illness recognition were chosen as value propositions because they address critical needs and pain points in the healthcare system in Sierra Leone. These value propositions offer tangible benefits and outcomes that resonate with the target audience.
  5. Customer Relationships: Collaboration with larger organizations, local partnerships, and social media engagement were selected to build and maintain customer relationships. These approaches enable ongoing communication, support, and engagement with stakeholders, fostering trust, loyalty, and community involvement.
  6. Channels: Workshops, local partnerships, and social media were chosen as channels to reach and engage with the target audience because they provide effective means of communication, education, and promotion. These channels leverage existing networks, local knowledge, and digital platforms to maximize outreach and impact.
  7. Customer Segments: Healthcare workers, government officials, NGOs, and potential investors were identified as key customer segments based on their roles, influence, and involvement in the healthcare sector in Sierra Leone. Targeting these segments allows for tailored solutions and effective engagement with stakeholders.
  8. Cost Structure: Costs associated with internet access, marketing, distribution, device procurement, and staff hiring were considered based on their relevance and necessity for project implementation. These costs reflect the operational and investment requirements of the project while ensuring financial sustainability and resource allocation.
  9. Revenue Streams: Government subsidies, donations, and fee-for-service consultations were chosen as revenue streams based on their alignment with the project’s goals, local context, and potential sources of funding. These revenue streams provide diverse income sources while maintaining affordability and accessibility for the target population. 

Create a set of 2-4 slides to articulate your business model in a presentation. Come prepared to describe your business model in the next class.

Team Blog 9

What are the common personal goals among the members of your team, and how can you leverage those goals to build collaboration?


Within our team, several shared personal goals drive us towards collaboration:


  1. Enhancing Collaboration and Communication Skills: We recognize the importance of effective communication and teamwork in achieving our collective objectives. By improving our ability to communicate clearly and collaborate seamlessly, we can enhance productivity and achieve better outcomes.
  2.  Mastering Delegation and Task Distribution: Learning how to delegate tasks efficiently and distribute responsibilities among team members is crucial for optimizing our workflow. By honing these skills, we can ensure that tasks are completed promptly and everyone contributes to the team’s success.
  3. Fostering Personal and Professional Development: Each team member is committed to continuous personal and professional growth. By investing in our individual development, we not only improve our skills and knowledge but also contribute to the overall advancement of the team.
  4. Refining Idea Projection and Sharing Skills: We understand the importance of effectively conveying our ideas and perspectives to others. By developing the ability to articulate our thoughts accurately and share them efficiently, we can facilitate better collaboration and innovation within the team.


Achieving these personal goals signifies a collective improvement in our team’s efficiency and effectiveness. As we strive to enhance our collaboration and communication, we aim to create a dynamic environment where everyone’s skills and strengths are valued, and tasks are allocated effectively to maximize productivity.


What are the common project goals among the members of your team, and how can you leverage those goals to make progress?

  1. Improving healthcare outcomes in Sierra Leone.
  2. Enhancing healthcare worker knowledge and skills.
  3. Increasing accessibility to healthcare education.
  4. Empowering healthcare workers to deliver quality care.


We can use our goals to guide us towards:

  • Establishing clear communication channels, ensuring that all team members are aligned with the project goals and understand their roles in achieving them. Fostering collaboration, by working together, we can address challenges more effectively and capitalize on opportunities for innovation.
  • Setting SMART objectives, breakig down overarching project goals into specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound objectives. This helps to create a roadmap for progress and allows team members to track their contributions.


What are some biases that might become a barrier to your project goals?


  • Cultural Bias: Assumptions or preferences based on one’s own cultural background may influence the design and implementation of the project.
  • Technological Bias: Overreliance on technology or assumptions about access to digital devices and internet connectivity may overlook the reality of limited resources and infrastructure in certain areas, hindering the accessibility of the educational platform.
  • Socioeconomic Bias: Biases related to socioeconomic status may influence perceptions of the importance or priority of healthcare education initiatives.


What type of decision-making system will you use and why?

For the AISHA project, implementing a decentralized decision-making system would be most effective. Here’s why:

  • Flexibility and Adaptability: A decentralized decision-making system allows for flexibility and adaptability to local contexts and needs. In a project like AISHA, where healthcare practices and challenges can vary widely between different regions and communities in Sierra Leone, decentralized decision-making enables on-the-ground stakeholders to make informed decisions based on their unique circumstances.
  • Empowerment and Ownership: By decentralizing decision-making authority, we empower local healthcare workers, community members, and partner organizations to take ownership of the project and actively participate in its development and implementation. This fosters a sense of ownership and commitment among stakeholders, leading to greater engagement and sustainability.
  • Rapid Response to Challenges: Decentralized decision-making allows for rapid response to emerging challenges and opportunities. Local stakeholders are better positioned to identify and address issues as they arise, without having to wait for decisions to be made at higher levels of authority. This agility is crucial in a dynamic and rapidly changing healthcare environment.
  • Enhanced Innovation and Creativity: Distributing decision-making authority across multiple levels encourages innovation and creativity. Local stakeholders are empowered to experiment with new ideas, solutions, and approaches tailored to their specific needs and circumstances, leading to more effective and sustainable outcomes.
  • Alignment with Participatory Approach: A decentralized decision-making system aligns with the participatory approach central to the AISHA project. By involving all relevant stakeholders in the decision-making process, we ensure that diverse perspectives are considered, leading to more inclusive and equitable outcomes.


Overall, a decentralized decision-making system is well-suited to the complex and context-dependent nature of the AISHA project, enabling us to effectively navigate the challenges of healthcare delivery in Sierra Leone while maximizing the impact and sustainability of our efforts.

Team Blog 8

Based on the feedback we received from our peers, these are some of the things we could have done differently:

Identify FIVE specific things in your slides that you could have done differently.

  1. Added more graphs to the slides that included statistics, as the audience claims this is a better visual when discussing numbers
  2. Added less text
  3. Bigger font
  4. Better organisation of content on each slide
  5. Moved some slides to the additional info hidden slide, to make room for other things

Identify FIVE specific ways that you could have delivered your presentation better.

  1. Looked at the slides less
  2. Managed our time better
  3. Made more eye contact with the audience
  4. Enunciate more
  5. Project voice better

Identify FIVE specific ways you could have built your credibility further.

  1. More measurable data
  2. more info on prices and exact numbers when it comes to the financial side
  3. More stats on the need for the project
  4. More info on community healthcare worker stories
  5. Make it clear who our customers are

Identify FIVE specific questions that you could have answered better. What were the questions, how did you respond, and how should you have responded to each?

  1. Why can’t we make this device not rely on Alexa or Amazon at all?
    1. Original Response: Our approach uses an already existing device, and we’re providing the program that Alexa will execute. While the approach suggested is valid, it’s not the most feasible for our context. We’re closer to achieving our goal using Alexa than developing our device and mass-producing it.
    2. Improved Response: While eliminating reliance on Alexa or Amazon is a valid consideration, it’s important to weigh the feasibility and resource implications. Developing our device could entail significant costs and time, potentially delaying our project. However, we can explore ways to reduce reliance on third-party platforms while ensuring the efficient delivery of our solution.
  2. How to ensure that there are no liability issues in regard with the usage of the device (ie. the data and answers)
    1. Original Response: Our original response was that there were no liabilities since we were not actively retrieving data.
    2. Improved Response: While it’s true that we’re not actively retrieving data, it’s essential to recognize that liability concerns can still arise, particularly regarding the accuracy of the answers provided by our device. Although we’re not directly responsible for data collection, ensuring the reliability and integrity of the information our device offers is crucial. Implementing clear disclaimers regarding the limitations of our device’s responses can help manage expectations and mitigate potential liability issues. Additionally, maintaining transparency about the sources of information used by our device and providing users with control over their data can further enhance trust and reduce legal risks. Consulting legal experts to assess our liability exposure and refine our risk mitigation strategies is advisable to ensure comprehensive protection.
  3. Why not move to something that does not require a cloud but instead a hard drive, therefore eliminating potential internet issues?
    1. Original Response: Since Alexa has a user-friendly developer portal, we can utilize the preexisting hardware and code to mould it into our use.
    2. Improved Response: Moving away from cloud-based solutions to a hard drive system could indeed eliminate internet dependency and associated issues. However, it’s important to consider the trade-offs involved. Utilizing Alexa’s infrastructure allows us to leverage existing hardware and code, saving significant development time and resources. Transitioning to a hard drive system would necessitate building our hardware and devices, potentially leading to increased costs and complexity. Moreover, it might limit our ability to explore and develop additional use cases in the future. While mitigating internet-related risks is crucial, we must carefully weigh the benefits and drawbacks of such a shift in our project strategy.
  4. How can we ensure that the device is used long term?
    1. Original Response: User manual and flyer promotions, having a person on site.
    2. Improved Response: While user manuals and flyer promotions are valuable for initial adoption, ensuring long-term usage requires a more comprehensive approach. Firstly, we should prioritize user experience design to make the device intuitive and enjoyable to use, reducing the likelihood of abandonment. Additionally, implementing regular software updates and maintenance to address bugs, improve performance, and introduce new features can help maintain user engagement over time. Providing accessible customer support channels, such as online forums, email, or phone assistance, can address user queries and issues promptly, fostering trust and satisfaction. Moreover, establishing community forums or user groups where users can share experiences, tips, and suggestions can cultivate a sense of belonging and encourage continued usage. Conducting periodic surveys or feedback sessions to understand user needs and preferences can also inform iterative improvements, ensuring the device remains relevant and valuable in the long term.
  5. How can we address potential privacy concerns related to the use of the device?
    1. Original Response: Implementing robust encryption protocols and user consent mechanisms.
    2. Improved Response: Addressing potential privacy concerns related to the use of the device requires a multifaceted approach. In addition to implementing robust encryption protocols and user consent mechanisms, we should also prioritize transparent data handling practices. This includes clearly communicating to users what data is collected, how it is used, and providing options for users to control their data. Regularly auditing our data handling processes and complying with relevant privacy regulations can further enhance user trust and mitigate privacy risks. Additionally, fostering a culture of privacy awareness within our team and regularly educating users about best practices for protecting their privacy can help build a strong foundation of trust and confidence in our device.

Team Blog 7

Identify three different primary stakeholders on your project, and come up with a list of 10 distinct questions you would ask each of them. Remember the aspirational/emotional/functional categories of needs and desires and try to find a balance of questions that might give you information in each of those areas.

  • Healthcare Workers in Sierra Leone
    • What are your long-term aspirations for improving healthcare delivery in your community?
    • How do you envision technology like AISHA impacting your daily work and the quality of care you provide?
    • What motivates you to continue working in healthcare despite the challenges you face?
    • How do you feel about the current state of healthcare infrastructure and resources in your community?
    • Can you share a specific experience that highlights the emotional impact of inadequate healthcare resources on you or your patients?
    • What emotional support or resources do you feel are lacking in your role as a healthcare worker?
    • What specific challenges do you encounter in diagnosing and treating patients, especially in rural or remote areas?
    • How do you currently access healthcare education and training, and what improvements would you like to see in this area?
    • In what ways do you think AISHA could improve the efficiency and effectiveness of healthcare delivery in your community?
    • What are the most critical resources or support you need to successfully integrate AISHA into your daily workflow?
  • Local Community Members in Sierra Leone
    • What are your hopes and aspirations for the future of healthcare in your community?
    • How do you envision technology like AISHA contributing to the health and well-being of your community members?
    • What long-term goals do you have for improving access to healthcare services in your area?
    • Can you share a personal story or experience that illustrates the emotional impact of limited access to healthcare services in your community?
    • How do you feel about the level of support and resources available to community members who are dealing with health issues?
    • What emotional support or resources do you feel are lacking in your community when it comes to healthcare?
    • What are the biggest challenges you face in accessing healthcare services in your community?
    • How do you currently seek healthcare information or advice, and what barriers do you encounter in this process?
    • In what ways do you think AISHA could improve access to healthcare information and services for community members like yourself?
    • What kind of support or infrastructure do you think is needed to ensure the successful implementation of AISHA in your community?
  • Donors or Funding Organizations supporting the AISHA project
    • What are your goals and aspirations for supporting healthcare projects like AISHA in Sierra Leone?
    • How do you envision your contribution making a long-term impact on healthcare delivery and outcomes in the region?
    • What outcomes or achievements would you like to see as a result of your investment in the AISHA project?
    • What emotions or values drive your commitment to supporting healthcare initiatives in underserved regions like Sierra Leone?
    • Can you share a personal story or experience that motivates your involvement in philanthropic efforts related to healthcare?
    • How do you feel about the current state of healthcare funding and resources in developing countries like Sierra Leone?
    • What criteria do you use to evaluate the effectiveness and impact of healthcare projects you support?
    • How do you measure success in terms of return on investment for healthcare projects like AISHA?
    • In what ways do you think AISHA aligns with your organization’s mission and values?
    • What kind of support or resources do you believe are essential for ensuring the sustainability and scalability of projects like AISHA in the long term?

Identify all of the key customers for your product/service/creation/solution. List specific ways that you will ensure that your product will meet their aspirational, emotional, and functional needs and desires.

  • Healthcare Workers in Sierra Leone:
    • Provide comprehensive training and education through AISHA to empower healthcare workers to aspire to deliver better care and improve health outcomes in their communities.
    • Offer support resources and platforms for healthcare workers to share experiences, seek guidance, and connect with peers, addressing the emotional challenges they face in their roles.
    • Ensure AISHA is user-friendly, accessible, and provides practical solutions to healthcare challenges faced by workers, such as aiding in diagnosis, treatment adherence, and patient management.
  • Local Community Members in Sierra Leone:
    • Engage community members in the development and implementation of AISHA to ensure their aspirations for improved healthcare access and outcomes are heard and addressed.
    • Create culturally sensitive and empathetic content on AISHA that acknowledges the emotional impact of healthcare issues on community members and offers support and guidance.
    • Design AISHA to be accessible via mobile devices and smart speakers, providing community members with convenient access to healthcare information, resources, and support services.
  • Donors or Funding Organizations:
    • Communicate the long-term impact and value proposition of AISHA in improving healthcare delivery, reducing mortality rates, and empowering communities, aligning with the aspirational goals of donors and funding organizations.
    • Share compelling stories and testimonials from healthcare workers and community members impacted by AISHA, evoking emotions and highlighting the human impact of the project.
    • Provide transparent reporting and monitoring mechanisms to demonstrate the effectiveness, efficiency, and accountability of AISHA in achieving its objectives and maximizing the return on investment for donors and funding organizations.


Articulate your value propositions for each of your customer segments (using the format presented in class).

  • For Healthcare workers in Sierra Leone who aspire for better healthcare education, our AISHA platform provides comprehensive healthcare education and answers that empower them to deliver better are, adhere to clinical guidelines and improve health outcomes in their communities.
  • For local community members in Sierra Leone who has struggled with the healthcare system in rural Sierra Leone, our AISHA platform provides accessible healthcare information and resources that promote healthcare workers to make informed decisions about their health to improve patient outcomes and to reduce preventable deaths.
  • For Donors or Funding organziations who are funding the AISHA projects, our platform provides transparent reporting and monitoring mechanisms, that demonstrates the effectiveness, efficiency, and accountability of the project in achieving its objectives and maximizing return on investment for donors and funding organizations.


What are the technological, social, economic, and political trends that will impact (help or hurt) your ventures?

  • Technological trends
    • Advancements in AI and Natural Language Processing (NLP) technologies could enhance the capabilities of AISHA, making it more efficient and effective in delivering healthcare education and support.
    • Increased adoption of voice-enabled devices and smart speakers could expand the reach of AISHA to more healthcare workers and community members, especially in rural or remote areas.
    • Improvements in mobile connectivity and internet infrastructure could improve access to the AISHA platform, enabling healthcare workers and community members to access information and resources more easily.
  • Social Trends
    • Growing awareness and demand for healthcare education and resources among underserved communities could drive the adoption of AISHA as a valuable tool for improving health literacy and outcomes.
    • Increased emphasis on community empowerment and participatory approaches in healthcare delivery could support the integration of AISHA into existing community health programs and initiatives.
    • Changing social norms and attitudes towards technology and healthcare could influence the acceptance and utilization of AISHA among healthcare workers and community members.
  • Political trends
    • Changes in government policies and regulations related to healthcare and technology could affect the regulatory environment and framework within which AISHA operates.
    • Government support and investment in healthcare infrastructure and technology could facilitate the integration and adoption of AISHA within the national healthcare system.
  • Economic trends
    • Fluctuations in funding and investment in healthcare projects and initiatives could impact the resources available for scaling and sustaining the AISHA project over the long term.
    • Economic disparities and resource constraints in low-income countries like Sierra Leone could affect the affordability and accessibility of technologies required for implementing and maintaining AISHA.
    • Economic development and growth in Sierra Leone could create opportunities for public-private partnerships and collaborations to support the expansion and sustainability of AISHA.


What is the Total Available Market and Total Addressable Market for your product or service?

  • Total Available Market 
    • The total population of Sierra Leone, as well as the total number of healthcare workers in the country who could potentially benefit from the AISHA platform. According to the World Bank, as of 2021, the population of Sierra Leone was approximately 8 million people. Additionally, Sierra Leone has a healthcare workforce that includes doctors, nurses, midwives, and community health workers, among others.
  • Total Addressable Market
    • The Total Addressable Market for AISHA would then be the total number of PHUs in Makeni that could potentially benefit from the AISHA platform. This would include all primary healthcare facilities in the Makeni area, such as clinics, health centres, and dispensaries, where healthcare workers are providing frontline care to the local community.

Blog 6

  • Give three examples of something very interesting you learned from a friend that was a completely alien concept to you.


  1. A friend of mine taught me how to drive, essentially bestowing on me the keys to independence. It was an enlightening experience as that has served as a foundational teaching that will certainly be of use in the future.


  1. My friend taught me photography by showing me composition and lighting techniques, encouraging me to experiment with camera settings and unleash my creativity.


  1. Back in high school, a close friend of mine introduced me to the gym. He explained how it was about more than simply lifting heavy, but rather maintaining a decent diet and consistency. To me, it was astounding that diet mattered so much as I always thought that lifting heavy was the key to building muscle.


  • List ten things that make you feel human.


  1. Sunlight
  2. Music
  3. Socializing
  4. Movies
  5. Daytime Naps
  6. Nature
  7. Driving
  8. Fiction Novels
  9. Family
  10. Laughter


  • Articulate your philosophy of engagement as it pertains to your work with the Impact Fellowship. Specifically discuss:
    1. Why should I engage?

Engaging with the belief in the potency of education, I advocate for leveraging AI to grant healthcare workers in Sierra Leone’s PHUs access to essential knowledge. This initiative empowers them to enhance community care, emphasizing the importance of accessible healthcare education for all, regardless of location or educational background.


  1. How must I engage?

To effectively engage, prioritizing accessibility, inclusivity, collaboration, continuous improvement, respect for cultural context, and ethical considerations is crucial. This entails ensuring that educational content is easily accessible to all healthcare workers, irrespective of their location or background. Additionally, it involves fostering a collaborative learning environment where healthcare workers actively participate, rooted in a commitment to continuous improvement, cultural sensitivity, and ethical practice in delivering accurate, relevant, and transparent educational content.


  1. With whom must I engage?

We’re actively working with different parties involved in healthcare delivery in Sierra Leone, such as healthcare workers, local authorities, community leaders, and possibly international organizations or NGOs present in the region.


  1. What kinds of challenges, opportunities, and approaches should I care about?

Challenges: Handling cultural sensitivities, confronting language barriers, and ensuring technological reach in remote locales.


Opportunities: Nurturing sustainable healthcare practices, exploiting AI to fill healthcare education voids, and empowering local communities.


Approaches: Involving participatory design methodologies, and adopting community-driven decision-making.


  1. How might I uphold the core principles of ethical engagement that were discussed in class?

Respecting the independence and privacy of healthcare workers, ensuring their voluntary and informed participation, and maintaining confidentiality of their personal information are crucial aspects of ethical engagement. Additionally, providing accurate and culturally sensitive educational material is essential. It’s equally important to be transparent about the project’s objectives and potential impacts, solicit feedback from all stakeholders, and address any worries or ethical issues that arise.


  1. What might my epitaph read?

“Here lies Maaz Tanveer, a friend; brother; son. He lived and experienced this life to the fullest, and now he rests.”