Team Blog 3

Identify 3-5 major accomplishments projected for Spring / Summer 2024:

  • Have a reliable base code in English (AISHA 1.0)
  • Solve the connectivity + electricity issue
  • Acquiring the locals’ trust in the AISHA project
  • Procuring funding for the project.
  1. Questions
  • How can we procure funds?
  • What is holding us back/ What is unsustainable about our current method?
  • How can we get direct feedback from citizens?
  • How can we measure impact?
  • How can we ensure long-term impact?
  • What is considered sustainable?
  • How can we overcome the cultural gap?
  • What cultural challenges may threaten the sustainability of our project?
  • How can we get locals to use our resources?
  • What previous advancements have been made towards sustainable impact?
  • How many devices are needed to cover the region/country?
  • How will we solve connectivity issues?
  • How will we overcome the language barrier?
  • Is there a term for “sustainability” in Krio?
  • How can we form meaningful bonds with locals?
  1. Plan for Monitoring and Evaluation


  1. Conduct initial assessments to establish the current status of healthcare worker knowledge, adherence to protocols, and patient outcomes in Sierra Leone.
  2. Identify and address primary issues within Sierra Leone.
  3. Resolve code issues and refine troubleshooting processes.
  4. Continuously monitor the utilization of AISHA’s various functionalities (Answers, Lessons).
  5. Address power and connectivity challenges.

Evaluation Activities:

  1. Increase awareness and comprehension of AISHA among healthcare workers and communities.
  2. Enhance access to health education and information for healthcare workers through AISHA Answers and Lessons.
  3. Gather initial feedback on the usability and effectiveness of AISHA’s educational content and system features, based on fieldwork experience and direct input.
  4. Improve the efficiency of healthcare service delivery and resource management in rural clinics.
  5. Strengthen the capacity of healthcare workers to deliver quality care and education to their communities.
  6. Ensure the sustainable integration of AISHA into the healthcare system, promoting widespread adoption and continued usage over time.


By executing this strategy, the AISHA project can systematically monitor advancements, evaluate the impact, and consistently enhance its initiatives towards realizing its overarching objectives of enhancing healthcare provision in Sierra Leone.


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