Blog Post 12

  1. Refine the detailed income statement for your venture for two years (at six month intervals) or a more appropriate time scale. Explicitly state the assumptions that underlie your financial model.
  1. Refine the Business Model for your venture based on your revenue model. You may use the Osterwalder BMC to refine your business model but prepare one or more visuals that explain how your venture will work and accomplish your BHAG.

Our Business Model helps us reach our BHAG because, by working directly with Community Health Workers or CHWs, we are able to bring the test strips directly to pregnant women in more rural communities.  The innovative aspect of our project is not the test strip itself but the way we distribute and bring healthcare to the people in the communities we are trying to serve. 

  1. Develop an M&E plan for your venture.
    1. Clearly list all assumptions.

Assumptions: Data is collected in a timely manner, there is no long-term significant impact on our sales due to COVID-19, and we do not lose contact for significant time periods with our partners on the ground.

    1. Identify short-term and long-term success metrics.

Short-term metrics: data collection is occurring each month, the sample size is sufficiently large, data is broken down by month in reporting.


Long-term metrics: analysis of data is able to occur using PLS-SEM as long as the data is collected in the manner described in the short-term metrics section. A causality model is able to be developed from this and will hopefully show a causal relationship between the Ukweli venture and the maternal mortality rate by using multivariate analysis to show that it is more likely than not that Ukweli is having an impact in the region. This will lead to further scalability of the operation and allow Ukweli to reach more lives.

    1. Identify specific methods to measure the metrics.

The monthly reporting required of our DM will allow us to ensure that data is collected in a timely manner (this is attached to his payment). By attaching financial incentive to proper reporting, our data will regularly be completed through Google Forms and scanned PDFs of the same forms will be used to audit this system for inaccuracies.

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