Every Wednesday, we have different TED talk discussion, so when my turn came, I chose this video to discuss about. In this video, the speaker uses different speaking skills, like using a hook, stressing the words, and different skills. Laura Schmidt is trying to show us the danger of eating unhealthy food, and what tricks that food companies uses to atract people, Coca-Cola in the past uses Cocaine as a ingreidint in her drinks! Wow, I just know that. I had several questions that I wrote, so if you want to test your self, her you go! I was the leader for the TED talk discussion, at that time I felt like i’m a boss. It’s a cool experience, thank you Mrs. Elena.
TED talk questions
Comprehension Questions:
1- What does 78% represents?
2- Why food companies uses scientists to check their food?
3- What are the disease that appears early in childerns ?
Critical Thinking Questions:
1- Why did the speaker uses her phone? How it is connected to the topic?
2- Why did the speaker connected food with drugs?
3- Why a lot of food companies doesn’t make a full healthy food? Why it’s harmful?
Speech act or techniques used:
1- What the word “ping” means in minute 1:01?
2- What hook does the speaker uses?
3- Why does the speaker uses that move in minute 5:33?