PI awarded NSF CAREER!

PI awarded NSF CAREER!

Very exciting news: PI Siddha Pimputkar was awarded the prestigious NSF CAREER for his proposed work on a new synthesis approach for the realization of a wide array of nitride materials in single crystal form! Even more reason to anxiously await completion of the lab construction to start ramping up impactful work for the nitride community.

Fresh off the press

Fresh off the press

Read all about the decomposition of ammonia under supercritical conditions applicable to ammonothermal growth of nitrides in the PI’s latest contribution published as a chapter in the book: “Ammonothermal Synthesis and Crystal Growth of Nitrides”.

New nitride synthesis approach IP protected

New nitride synthesis approach IP protected

Exciting new synthesis approach for nitrides proposed as part of the PI’s CAREER proposal is now IP protected and moving forward towards a formal patent application! Will be the first in many technologically and industrial important IP work coming out of this group laying the foundation for an inexpensive, high-yield synthesis process for single crystal nitrides, including but not limited to cubic BN, hexagonal BN, GaN, AlN and its ternary alloys in bulk form.

PI presents at WCCM XIV

PI presents at WCCM XIV

As part of an effort to build out the computational modeling sub-group of the MATS Lab research, the PI presents at the 14th World Congress in Computational Mechanics and European Community on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences of 2020 (WCCM XIV – ECCMAS 2020). Due to constraints brought on by COVID, the mini-symposium was canceled, yet an online presentation is available for anyone interested in learning more about the decomposition of ammonia under ammonothermal conditions: Presentation

IWBNS-XI: Take two

IWBNS-XI: Take two

COVID-19 has took the world for a spin and therefore have had to postpone our conference. Looking forward to seeing everyone in person for the conference in 2021 instead! More details on the conference can be found here:

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) represent important pillars of our group ethos and we recognize how vital DEI is towards creating and maintaining a nurturing and prosperous community. As part of this commitment, the PI and his junior colleagues are inaugural committee members of the newly formed DEI committee. Please feel free to reach out to us with any suggestions or comments. A summary of the department’s activities on DEI can be found on our main MSE website.