Today was a slow Sunday. Joe was not feeling too well, so it was difficult to involve him in planning some of the last-minute things we have for next week. Nonetheless, we arrived at World Hope around 10:30 and got to work on any unconfirmed appointments for the upcoming week.
Getting some tips and tricks from Prof. Kramp, we learned that some of the MOSL team would be going to the Lunsar campus to tour the nursing school. Since Chibugo and Hamsa will be in Freetown this Monday, we decided it would be a good idea for Norman and Jake to visit Lunsar as well, so that we could speak with nursing students and professors.
Prof. Kramp also informed us that Makama CHP would be a good place to visit in the afternoon. Around 2:00 PM the team went with some representatives of every GSIF team to introduce ourselves to the head midwife at Makama. On a wide clay road, Makama was a small health clinic with a few rooms for nutrition, delivery, and nurses’ quarters. We asked the head midwife a few questions, but more importantly, secured an invite back to the CHP’s ANC day on Tuesday. This was a great opportunity for our team, since the Gladys Koroma ANC day was canceled on Saturday, and a few of us will be visiting on the 15th.

After we came back from Makama, a coconut vendor stopped outside of WHI. The whole team had yet to try a coconut, so Jake, Hamsa, and Chibugo bought some for 10 new Leones each. They were kind of tricky to drink, but once all of the water was finished, the vendor was kind enough to cut them open so that we could enjoy the flesh as well. They were so delicious and really refreshing!