Today we traveled to three different health clinics: Gbendembu Health Center, Mabunduka Health Center, and Mateboi Health Center. All three involved driving along bumpy, unfinished roads for about 1.5 hours. There were also areas where the mud had become so thick (it is currently the rainy season here in Sierra Leone) that we saw trucks […]
Days 7 & 8: Market Meandering

Eid Mubarak! The past two days have been pretty laid back. Sunday was Eid and Monday was the national holiday for Eid. We spent the days exploring the market and the local food within it. Everyone carries everything on their heads. We have tried hard boiled eggs, dried yucatan root balls, empanada looking cakes, kettle […]
Day 4: A Meeting with the Man Who Is Changing Sickle Cell in Salone

Today we traveled 2 hours to Kono (in the Eastern Region of Sierra Leone) to visit Dr. Cheedy Jaja at the Jericho Road clinic (also known as the Adamamartha Memorial Community Health Center) in Koidu City. Dr. Jaja is a professor of nursing at the University of South Carolina, whose current work is focused on […]
Day 3: “Misdiagnosis is a Crime”

We started the day out heading to a clinic approximately 2 hours away from the hotel. It was a bumping ride (musically and physically). We first went to a very small clinic about an hour from the main road, Rokulan community health center. The clinic was run by Francis, a community health officer (CHO) and […]