Today, all three health teams traveled together to a Community health center (CHC) and a Community Health Post (CHP) located approximately 20 minutes away. Again, with 12 people in the back seat, we ventured over the pot hole covered road. Our first stop was at Masangpo CHC. The CHO there, Alhaji, had been working at […]
Day 4: A Meeting with the Man Who Is Changing Sickle Cell in Salone

Today we traveled 2 hours to Kono (in the Eastern Region of Sierra Leone) to visit Dr. Cheedy Jaja at the Jericho Road clinic (also known as the Adamamartha Memorial Community Health Center) in Koidu City. Dr. Jaja is a professor of nursing at the University of South Carolina, whose current work is focused on […]
Day 3: “Misdiagnosis is a Crime”

We started the day out heading to a clinic approximately 2 hours away from the hotel. It was a bumping ride (musically and physically). We first went to a very small clinic about an hour from the main road, Rokulan community health center. The clinic was run by Francis, a community health officer (CHO) and […]
Day 2: Life Expectancy: 25, Make it Past and You Can’t Die

Today we spoke with three community health officers (CHO) and a physician assistant located in and around Makeni. We traveled with the Ukweli and Safe Motherhood teams to the different clinics. Our first stop was the Kagbaneh Community health post (CHP). While there, we spoke with Fatmata, a CHO in charge of 16 community health […]
Day 1: Seke, Tupeah, Ofino

Hello! Welcome to our blog. We are the sickle cell diagnostics team and our goal is to develop a low-cost, point of care, screening device for sickle cell anemia (SCA). Although we are currently in the early stages of designing the device, we are going to be in Sierra Leone for the next 3 weeks […]