My current research focus is on channel coding and modulation, including:
- Wireless, Sensor and Ad-hoc Networks: routing protocols, cooperative diversity, relay channels…
- Advanced Forward Error Correction Coding: serial/parallel turbo codes, LDPC codes, turbo product codes, product accumulate codes, codes on graphs…
- Communication and Coding Theory: channel capacity, distance spectrum, ML bounds, iterative thresholds, message-passing decoding, density evolution, EXIT charts…
- Wireless Communications: turbo / coding for flat fading channels, noncoherent and differential detection, Rate-compatible LDPC and ARQ, BICM with PA…
- Distributed Source Coding and Joint Source-Channel Coding: binning approach, serial/parallel turbo codes for DSC, LDPC for DSC, joint source-channel coding, DSC for sensor networks…
- Free-Space Optics (Optical Wireless): ergodic capacity, outage probability, SLSD and MLMD systems, RS coding, turbo coding, adaptive turbo coding…
- Optical Fiber Communications: turbo and PA codes for Chi-square and asymmetric-Gaussian channels, soft-/hard-decision channel capacity, RS wrap…
- Signal Processing for Digital Data Storage Systems: turbo/ TPC/ LDPC for PR and Lorentzian channels, binary precoding, error statistics, quantization, finite-length analysis of ISI channels…