Class Outline / Courses:
- ECE 441 – Fundamentals of Wireless Communications
- Spring 08 ECE 108 – Signals and Systems
- Fall 06 ECE 432 – Turbo Codes and Iterative Decoding
- Spring 06 ECE 108 – Signals and Systems
- Spring 06 ECE 431 – Spread Spectrum & CDMA
- Fall 05 ECE 342 – Communication Theory
- Spring 05 ECE 450 – Network Information Theory
- Fall 04 ECE 411 – Information Theory
- Spring 04 ECE 450 – Turbo Codes and Iterative Decoding
- Fall 03 ECE 450 – Spread Spectrum & CDMA
- Spring 03 ECE 350/450 – Turbo Codes and Iterative Decoding
ECE 441 – Fundamentals of Wireless Communications
- Class: TuTh 9:20-10:35 am, Maginnes Hall 113
- Office Hours: TuTh 10:40-11:30 am, Packard Lab 406B; or by appointment.
- Class Plan: homework, one or two midterms, a class project, and a final (optional)
- Grading Policy: Homework: 30%, midterm: 35%, project 35%. For students who are at the verge of failing, an optional final can be arranged to replace a lower score of the midterm.
- Reference Books:
- A First Course in Digital Communications, by Ha H. Nguyen and E. Shwedyk, Cambridge University Press, 2009.
- Fundamentals of Wireless Communication, Cambridge University Press, 2005, by David Tse and Pramod Viswanath.
- Wireless Communications , Cambridge University Press, 2005, by Andrea Goldsmith
- Wireless Communications and networking, Elsevier,Morgan Kaufmann Publisher, 2007, by Vijay K. Garg
- Topics:
- Review of random variables and random processes
- Comparison between analog and digital communications, and between wired and wireless communications
- Fundamentals of digital communication systems: signal space, signaling, modulation, coding, detection
- Wireless communication channel models
- Single user systems: Coding and modulation for wireless
- Multiple user systems: Interference and multiple/media access control
- Wireless systems: WiFi and Cellular Systems
- Antennas, Diversity and Link analysis
- Introduction to spread spectrum and CDMA systems
- Introduction to OFDM (if time permits)
Spring 08 ECE 108 – Signals and Systems
- Class: MWF 9:10-10:00am, Maginnes Hall 112
- Recitation: Thur 8:20-9:10am, 9:20-10:10am, 10:45-11:35am, Rauch Business Center 050
- Office Hours: MWF 10:10-11:00am, Packard Lab 406B; or by appointment.
- Class Plan: Weekly homework, 5 short quizzes, one midterm, and a final.
- Grading Policy: Homework: 25%, quizzes 25%, midterm: 15%, final 35%.
- Textbook: Signal Processing and Linear Systems, by B. P. Lathi, Berkeley-Cambridge Press, 1998. ISBN:0-941413-35-7.
- Topics:
- Chapter 1: Introduction to Signals and Systems
- Chapter 2: Time Domain Analysis of Continuous-Time and Discrete-Time Systems
- Chapter 3: Fourier Series and Periodic Signals
- Chapter 4: Fourier Transforms and Aperiodic Signals
- Chapter 5: Sampling and Discrete Fourier Transforms
- Chapter 6: Laplace Transforms
- Chapter 8-11: Discrete Time Signals and Z Transforms
- Syllabus: [PS, PDF]
Fall 06 ECE 432 – Turbo Codes and Iterative Decoding
- Course outline: Capacity-approaching error correcting codes. Turbo principle and fundamentals of soft-in soft-out (SISO) iterative decoding. Turbo codes (parallel/serial/hybrid concatenated convolutional codes) and turbo-like codes. Iterative decoding algorithms and performance analysis of parallel/serial turbo codes. Low density parity check (LDPC) codes, code graph and message passing decoding algorithms. LDPC code design and construction. Performance analysis using density evolution and extrinsic information transfer (EXIT) charts. Applications of turbo and LDPC codes.
- Textbook: No textbook. Will rely heavily on handouts & recent publications.
- Reference book: Error Control Coding: Fundamentals & Applications, Shu Lin & Daniel J. Costello, ISBN: 0-13-042672-5, 2004, Publisher: Prentice Hall PTR.
Spring 06 ECE 108 – Signals and Systems
- Course outline: Continuous and discrete signal and system descriptions using signal space and transform representations. Includes continuous and discrete Fourier series, continuous and discrete Fourier transforms, Laplace transforms, and z-transforms. Introduction to sampling.
- Prerequisite: ECE 81 Principles of Electrical Engineering
- Textbook: Signals and Systems, Alan V. oppenheim, Alan S. Willsky and S. Hamid Nawab, Publisher: Prentice Hall, Second Edition, 1997. ISBN: 0-13-814757-4
Spring 06 ECE 431 – Spread Spectrum & CDMA
- Course outline: Fading and dispersive channel model, direct sequence spread spectrum, frequency hopping spread spectrum, DS-CDMA, FH-CDMA, spread sequence and their properties, multi-user detection, PN code acquisition, wireless communications systems, industrial standards (IS-95, WCDMA, CDMA2000).
- Prerequisite: Basic knowledge on statistics and random processes, basic concepts and knowledge on digital communications (AWGN channel model, modulation, detection, coding, etc).
- Textbook: CDMA: Principles of Spread Spectrum Communication, Andrew J. Viterbi, ISBN: 0-201-63374-4, Publisher: Addison Wesley Longman, Inc. 1995.
- Reference books: * Mobile Cellular Telecommunications Systems, W. C. Y. Lee, McGraw-Hill, NY, 1989. * Spread Spectrum CDMA: IS-95 and IS-2000 for RF Communications, Steve Lee, ISBN: 0-07-140671-9, McGraw-Hill, 2002.
Fall 05 ECE 342 – Communication Theory
- Course outline: A first course in communications, either at a senior level or at a first-year graduate level, this course provides an introduction to the basic principles in the design and analysis of modern communication systems. We intend to cover both analog communication systems and digital communication systems, with emphasis on the latter. The topics include: signal analysis and transmission, analog communication systems (analog modulation), and digital communication systems (A/D conversion, source encoding, channel encoding, digital modulation, detection and estimation).
- Prerequisite: Signals and Systems (ECE108 or equivalent); Statistics and Random processes (or equivalent).
- Textbook: Communication Systems Engineering, John Proakis and Masoud Salehi, Publisher: Prentice Hall, Second Edition, 2003. ISBN: 0-13-061793-8.
- Reference book: Modern Digital and Analog Communications Systems, B. P. Lathi, Oxford University Press, 3rd edition 1998; Digital Communications, Simon Haykin, John Wiley & Sons, 1988. ISBN 0-471-62947-2.
Spring 05 ECE 450 – Network Information Theory
- Course outline: This advanced graduate course covers several topics in network information theory and multi-terminal communications. The topics include: Maximum entropy and Burg’s Theorem. Information theory and statistics. Method of types. Stein’s Lemma. Distributed source coding. Broadcast channel. Multiple access channel. Relay channel and cooperative networks. Network coding.
- Prerequisite: Statistics and Random processes (or equivalent); Information Theory (ECE411); Communications Systems (or equivalent).
- Textbook: Elements of Information Theory, Thomas M. Cover and Joy A. Thomas, Publisher: John Wiley & Sons, Inc, ISBN: 0-471-06259-6
Reference book: Network Flows, R. K. Ahuja, T. L. Magnanti, and J. B. Orlin, ISBN: 0-13-617549-x
Fall 04 ECE 411 – Information Theory
- Course outline: Information measures for discrete and continuous spaces (you will probably miss this part and hence need to learn by yourself), rate-distortion theorem, lossless and lossy compression methods (source coding), channel capacity, random coding error exponent and random coding theorems, basic channel coding methods, joint source-channel coding and separation theorem.
- Textbook: Elements of Information Theory, Thomas M. Cover and Joy A. Thomas, Publisher: John Wiley & Sons, Inc, ISBN: 0-471-06259-6
- Reference book: Information Theory, Inference & Learning Algorithms, David J. C. MacKay, Publisher: Cambridge University Press; 1st edition (June 15, 2002), ISBN: 0521642981
Spring 04 ECE 450 – Turbo Codes and Iterative Decoding
- Course outline: Capacity-approaching error correcting codes. Turbo principle and fundamentals of soft-in soft-out (SISO) iterative decoding. Turbo codes (parallel/serial/hybrid concatenated convolutional codes) and turbo-like codes. Iterative decoding algorithms and performance analysis of parallel/serial turbo codes. Low density parity check (LDPC) codes, code graph and message passing decoding algorithms. LDPC code design and construction. Performance analysis using density evolution and extrinsic information transfer (EXIT) charts. Applications of turbo and LDPC codes.
- Textbook: No textbook. Will rely heavily on handouts & recent publications.
- Reference book: Error Control Coding: Fundamentals & Applications, Shu Lin & Daniel J. Costello, ISBN: 013283796X, Publisher: Prentice Hall PTR.
Fall 03 ECE 450 – Spread Spectrum & CDMA
- Course outline: Fading and dispersive channel model, direct sequence spread spectrum, frequency hopping spread spectrum, DS-CDMA, FH-CDMA, spread sequence and their properties, multi-user detection, PN code acquisition, wireless communications systems, industrial standards (IS-95, WCDMA, CDMA2000).
- Prerequisite: Basic knowledge on statistics and random processes, basic concepts and knowledge on digital communications (AWGN channel model, modulation, detection, coding, etc).
- Textbook: CDMA: Principles of Spread Spectrum Communication, Andrew J. Viterbi, ISBN: 0-201-63374-4, Publisher: Addison Wesley Longman, Inc. 1995.
- Reference books: * Mobile Cellular Telecommunications Systems, W. C. Y. Lee, McGraw-Hill, NY, 1989. * Spread Spectrum CDMA: IS-95 and IS-2000 for RF Communications, Steve Lee, ISBN: 0-07-140671-9, McGraw-Hill, 2002.
Spring 03 ECE 350/450 – Turbo Codes and Iterative Decoding
- Course outline: Capacity-approaching error correcting codes. Turbo principle and fundamentals of soft-in soft-out (SISO) iterative decoding. Turbo codes (parallel/serial/hybrid concatenated convolutional codes) and turbo-like codes. Iterative decoding algorithms and performance analysis of parallel/serial turbo codes. Low density parity check (LDPC) codes, code graph and message passing decoding algorithms. LDPC code design and construction. Performance analysis using density evolution and extrinsic information transfer (EXIT) charts. Applications of turbo and LDPC codes.
- Textbook: No textbook. Will rely heavily on handouts & recent publications.
- Reference book: Error Control Coding: Fundamentals & Applications, Shu Lin & Daniel J. Costello, ISBN: 013283796X, Publisher: Prentice Hall PTR.