Summer 2016: Step 2!

May 24, 2016 | Summer 2016

Today, we visited the Chief Health Officers (CHOs) of Binkolo, Kapathe, and Kamabai Public Health Units (PHUs) in order to discuss our plans for Study 2. For each visit, we explained the scenario that applied to the specific PHU and provided a general walk-through of how the training would work. Each CHO shared meaningful insights and provided great feedback with respect to the considerations we need to make in our study. We are now preparing for our next visit with each PHU in order to train the CHO and other personnel on how to use and interpret the urine test strips and blood glucose tests. Currently, our study is being conducted across eight PHUs in Bombali District. Each PHU has been assigned a unique scenario, or mode of diabetes screening. Our goal for the study is to identify the optimal route to mass-screen individuals for a particular disease and see how the health care system responds to the introduction of diabetes screening test strips.

Aside from our PHU visits, we spent the day working on our GHTC papers. Additionally, we calculated the allocations that will be made for urine test strips, blood glucose tests, and cups for each PHU.

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