In The Daily We’s article “Is the Internet really a blessing for democracy?” Cass Sunstein discusses how the accessibility of certain media has now changed due to the implementation of filters, letting users pick content that is more geared to what they like and believe.
Sunstein opens up by talking about how the internet was a step in the right direction for democracy as it allows you to see many different things through different perspectives and allows for users to learn more than they ever could before. However, continuing on with the article we see the author sees there is a threat to this idea of learning about anything on the internet with the implementation of filters on content, letting users see exactly what they want to see and nothing else. Sunstein has a strong belief that it is important everyone has the ability to see everything. When reading or watching the news, we turn it on with the intention to listen to what’s going on around us and how it may pertain to ourselves. While watching or reading, you’re always going to come across information you weren’t necessarily looking for. However, with the internet, we were able to find our own communities that share our same interests, and so we blind ourselves to the information outside of this social bubble. Susntein offers ways to be able to prevent this “blocking” of information such as the use of hyperlinks on sites that lead you to information you likely wouldn’t click on yourself.
I am in full agreement with Sunstein’s worries about everyone blocking themselves off from anyone outside of their social/belief bubbles. As someonewho considers themself a Democrat, I went to a High School where being a Republican was the absolute outlier as 99% of the student body also considered themselves to be Democrat. However, I always disliked that because I felt it was human nature to learn from others and discuss our differences whether or not we agreed. I was happy to come to a place like Lehigh where there are so many different opinions. Again, whether or not I agree with opposing opinions is not what I’m looking for. Rather, I always feel it is important to state my thoughts and why I think that way instead of attacking or just shutting myself down when involved with someone who has differing opinions. With that in mind, I hope Sunstein’s worries and recommendations get through to many more people whether it’s through this article or not, because there is genuine concern from my end at least about this issue.