Racial injustices can occur through various communication technologies. This is known as techno-racism, which occurs in a plethora of digital coding platforms. Racist language has played a role in this and has been implemented into[…]
Category: Entries
Final paper summary – Cherry
For my paper, I would like to discuss how technology, especially communication technology, help people to improve their health. Health can be referred to both mental health and physical health. Although there might be some[…]
Final Paper Summary – Zach Coriarty
The future of technology is difficult to predict, due to its ever-increasing complexity, however, there are certain themes that follow all technology: potential, purpose, privacy, and ethics. These themes were important in the past but[…]
Final Paper Summary – Grayson Begier
As technology rapidly transforms the world, it cements itself into our daily lives. Yet, it’s almost impossible to keep up with the world without an internet connection. The emergence of technology revolutionized and reshaped the[…]
Final Paper Summary – Falyn Goldstein
As the digital world is increasingly developing, interactivity is playing a much larger role in how people communicate and use technological platforms. This paper focused on interactivity and the emotions, behaviors, and expectations that can[…]
Final Paper Summary – Deirdre Kelshaw
According to The Social Factor: Innovate, Ignite and Win Through Mass Collaboration and Social Networking, Maria Azua states that since the dawn of social media, society has found itself leaving what’s known as the advanced[…]
Final Paper Summary
Despite prominent companies’ recent claims of effort to diversify the world of technology, the most dominant forces in the world of technology have remained disproportionately white and male compared to demographic data in the U.S.[…]
Technology and Dependence- Final Paper
For many, the use of communication technology has become a daily activity of life- it is often one of the last things they see before they go to sleep, and one of the first things[…]
Shortened Final Paper – Talia Feinberg
Due to the inequality in the access to technology, within the technological field, and in the availability of credible information, society is dividing further on the basis of socioeconomic status, gender, race, and politics. In[…]
11/23 “Future Progress in Artificial Intelligence: A Survey of Expert Opinion” -Bridget Hall
In Future Progress in Artificial Intelligence: A Survey of Expert Opinion, by Vincent C. Müller and Nick Bostron, the authors surveyed 170 Artificial Intelligence experts to see if they believe whether or not there will[…]
11/23: The Future of Communication – Falyn Goldstein
In Vyv Evans’ The Future of Communication, he discusses the digital age that we are living in and the ways in which technology has transformed how we communicate with each other. Fictional dreams are becoming[…]
Max Fern – Future Progress in Artificial Intelligence (11/23)
In “Future Progress in Artificial Intelligence: A Survey of Expert Opinion,” Vincent Müller and Nick Bostrom explain concerns around high-level machine learning, including the risks, real and perceived, that humanity faces as a result of[…]
11/23 “Ted Talk: The Future of Digital Communication and Privacy” – Leah Montgomery
In the Ted Talk, The Future of Digital Communication and Privacy, Will Cathcart, the head of WhatsApp, discusses the shift in technology as it pertains to Covid-19, and the effects that the pandemic has or[…]
11/23 – “From Visual Simulation to Virtual Reality to Games” Deirdre Kelshaw
In “From Visual Simulation to Virtual Reality to Games,” Michael Zyda argues that Virtual Reality (VR) researchers must readjust their focus on game research and development if they wish for their work to remain relevant,[…]
11/23 The future of digital communication and privacy – Talia Feinberg
This video featured an interview between someone employed for TedTalk and the head of Whatsapp discussing the changes the platform has seen due to the pandemic and the resulting consequences of the heightened usage and[…]
11/23 Zach Coriarty “The future of digital communication and privacy.”
In the TED talk “The future of digital communication and privacy.”, Will Cathcart, the head of Whatsapp, talks about the effects and consequences of transitioning to an almost entirely digital communication medium. One aspect Cathcart[…]
From Visual Simulation to Virtual Reality to Games – Alana Bonfiglio 11/23
In From Visual Simulation to Virtual Reality to Games, Michael Zyda argues that the role of virtual reality in video games is increasing, and researchers should realign their focus to game research and development to[…]
11/23-From visual simulation to virtual reality to games- Julia Duchossois
In From visual simulation to virtual reality to games, Michale Zyda talks about the development of video games and the potential for them to be used beyond their original purposes. To begin, Zyda explains the[…]
11/18 Facebook Papers NPR – Bridget Hall
In NPR’s coverage of the Facebook papers from October 25, 2021 Rachel Martin, host of the podcast, speaks with Tory Newmeyer, from The Washington Post. During the pair’s conversation, Tory explains that a whistleblower from[…]
Max Fern – The Facebook Papers: Politico (11/18)
Politico has an entire section on their website for coverage related to The Facebook Papers, including twelve articles produced over one week from October 25th to November 2nd. The first few reports delve into the[…]
11/18: Frances Haugen’s Testimony – Falyn Goldstein
In Frances Haugen’s Facebook testimonial before the Senate Commerce Committee, she claimed that Facebook harms children and weakens democracy. She stated that originally she joined Facebook because she believed that Facebook had the “potential to[…]
11/18 Reports by CNBC and CBS on the Facebook Papers – Deirdre Kelshaw
Reporting on the Facebook Papers, internal company files made public by whistleblower and former Facebook product manager Frances Haugen, CBS and CNBC collectively describe the internal concerns regarding Facebook’s responsibility in controlling the dangerous content[…]
11/18 FaceBook Papers – The Washington Post – Leah Montgomery
In the Facebook Paper published by the Washington Post, The newspaper discusses the new discoveries and repercussions triggered by whistleblower Frances Haugen, a former Facebook product manager. This group of articles discusses and analyzes the[…]
11/18 The Financial Times/Fox Business Papers – Cherry
For Fox news, there were video clips discussed the event. People who work for Facebook felt unset about the company, but Facebook denied these charges. Both of articles mentioned Facebook’s stance, that “We’re a business[…]
Facebook Papers, NYT coverage: Talia Feinberg
In “Facebook Wrestles With the Features it Used to Define Social Networking” the author goes into detail on an experiment in which the like button was removed from the platform. This was done to test[…]
Associated Press Coverage of the Facebook Papers – Alana Bonfiglio 11/18
In the first Associated Press article addressing the Facebook papers, Amid the Capital Riot, Facebook faced its own insurrection, Alan Suderman and Joshua Goodman show that Facebook missed critical signs of the planning of the[…]
11/18 – The Atlantic’s Facebook Papers: ‘History Will Not Judge Us Kindly’ – Grayson Begier
In The Atlantic’s article, Facebook Papers: ‘History Will Not Judge Us Kindly,’ LaFrance discusses the events leading up to January 6th and the influence of Facebook over the span of the presidential election. LaFrance said[…]
Zach Coriarty 11/18 Twitter Thread Critique
This twitter thread takes a perspective that is more kind to Facebook than many other headlines and makes an argument for their actions. It was written by Nir Eyal and retweeted(how i found it) by[…]
11/18- Wall Street Journal/Wired Facebook Papers- Julia Duchossois
In the Wall Street Journal and Wired’s investigation and of the Facebook files, the authors argue that despite the company’s knowledge of the internal issues, the platform continues to harm and exploit users with the[…]
11/16 – The Daily We: Is the Internet really a blessing for democracy? – Grayson Begier
In The Daily We: Is the Internet really a blessing for democracy?, Sunstein asks the question “is the Internet a wonderful development for democracy?” He argues both views by saying yes, you can find loads[…]
Breaking the Filter Bubble- Caleigh Avramis/ 11/16
In the article, “Breaking the filter bubble: democracy and design”, the authors describe how social networking platforms have decreased information diversity due to algorithm used by search engines. Essentially, although humans have unlimited access to[…]
11/16 “Is the Internet really a blessing for democracy?” – Andreas Tsiaras
In The Daily We’s article “Is the Internet really a blessing for democracy?” Cass Sunstein discusses how the accessibility of certain media has now changed due to the implementation of filters, letting users pick content[…]
11/16 “Information Technology, Its Impact on Society and Its Future” – by Bridget Hall
In Information Technology, Its Impact on Society and Its Future, Sararmay Deb outlines the various ways that Information Technology has impacted society, both the good and the bad. When recalling the various benefits that IT[…]
The Personalization of Politics: Political Identity, Social Media, and Changing Patterns of Participation – Alana Bonfiglio 11/16
In The Personalization of Politics: Political Identity, Social Media, and Changing Patterns of Participation, Lance Bennett argues that social media and communication technology have created a shift from the identity politics of the mid-twentieth century[…]
11/16 Conceptualizing the Self: A Critical Analysis of the Self as a Discursive Trend in Human-Computer Interaction Research – Cherry
In Conceptualizing the Self: A Critical Analysis of the Self as a Discursive Trend in Human-Computer Interaction Research, Hunrik Ahman described and analyzed the assumptions regarding the human as the self that informs HCI research.[…]
11/16: ‘I Made Steve Bannon’s Psychological Warfare Tool’ – Falyn Goldstein
In Cadwaadr’s ‘I Made Steve Bannon’s Psychological Warfare Tool’: Meet the Data War Whistleblower, Christopher Wylie is introduced and his story is explained from childhood to present day. Christopher Wylie, now 27 years old, was[…]
11/16 The Daily We: Is the Internet Really a Blessing for Democracy – Leah Montgomery
In The Daily We: Is the Internet Really a Blessing for Democracy, Sunstein discusses the ways in which the Internet and the way users utilize it can be a blessing and a curse. Though the[…]
Max Fern – The Personalization of Politics (11/16)
In “The Personalization of Politics: Political Identity, Social Media, and Changing Patterns of Participation,” W. Lance Bennett proposes a framework for understanding the large-scale collective action that, typically, is coordinated through social media. He argues[…]
Information Technology, Its Impact on Society and Its Future 11/16 Talia Feinberg
In this reading, the current positive and negative impacts, as well as anticipated impacts of information technology are analyzed. Obviously, with the development of technology comes greater access to information regarding all kinds of things;[…]
11/16 Zach Coriarty “I made Steve Bannon’s psychological warfare tool”: Meet the data war whistleblower
In “I made Steve Bannon’s psychological warfare tool”: Meet the data war whistleblower, Cadwalladr outlines the process by which different people and companies, including Cambridge Analytics and Christopher Wylie, were able to leverage Facebook data[…]
11/16 – “’I made Steve Bannon’s psychological warfare tool’: Meet the data war whistleblower” Deirdre Kelshaw
In “’I made Steve Bannon’s psychological warfare tool’: Meet the data war whistleblower” the author talks with Christopher Wylie, a former employee of Cambridge Analytica, who goes on record to speak about his role in[…]
11/16- Is the internet really a blessing for democracy?-Julia Duchossois
In Is the internet really a blessing for democracy, Cass Sunstein argues that the ability for users to filter their experiences online poses a threat to democracy because by allowing users to choose exactly what[…]
Max Fern – Social Distancing and School Closures: Documenting Disparity in Internet Access among School Children (11/11)
In “Social Distancing and School Closures: Documenting Disparity in Internet Access among School Children,” Ananya Sen and Catherine Tucker argue that school closures resultant from the covid-19 pandemic disproportionately impacted poorer, non-white children, who have[…]
11/11 “Why I Fight to Close The Digital Divide?” – Bridget Hall
In Mignon Clyburn’s TED talk, “Why I Fight to Close The Digital Divide?” she discusses the need for a Digital Civil Rights Bill in order to address the growing digital divide this country is faced[…]
11/11 Why I Fight To Close The Digital Divide – Cherry
In Why I Fight To Close The Digital Divide, Mignon Clyburn applied her personal stories to deliver a strong argument that having a Digital Civil Rights Bill is important. In other words, she stated the[…]
11/11 – “How to Close the Digital Divide in the U.S.” Deirdre Kelshaw
In “How to Close the Digital Divide in the U.S.” Bhaskar Chakravorti argues that although the U.S. government is attempting to close the gaps in the country’s digital infrastructure with a $65 billion budget, the[…]
Why I Fight to Close the Digital Divide? – Alana Bonfiglio 11/11
In the TedTalk “Why I Fight to Close the Digital Divide?,” Mignon Clyburn argues that a Digital Civil Rights Bill is necessary to ensure broadband internet access for all Americans in order to close the[…]
11/11 Zach Coriarty “The Digital Gap Between Rich and Poor Kids Is Not What We Expected”
In “The Digital Gap Between Rich and Poor Kids Is Not What We Expected”, Nellie Bowles argues that the technological divide has drifted from the upper class being the only ones with technology to the[…]
11/11: How to Close the Digital Divide in the U.S. – Falyn Goldstein
In Bhaskar Chakravorti’s How to Close the Digital Divide in the U.S., Chakravorti defines what constitutes the digital divide and offers multiple ways in which the divide could be reduced. Local and national institutions, affordability[…]
11/11-Social Distancing and School Closures: Documenting Disparity in Internet Access among School Children- Julia Duchossois
In Social Distancing and School Closures: Documenting Disparity in Internet Access among School Children, Sen and Tucker argue that the digital divide could be making educational inequalities between rich and poor children even more drastic in[…]
11/11 The Digital Gap Between Rich and Poor Kids Is Not What We Expected – Talia Feinberg
This NYT article discusses the shift in the digital gap. Originally, poorer families were concerned that the rich would have more extensive access to technology, therefore, gaining technological skills that the poorer would not have.[…]
11/9 “Women and the Importance of Representation in Tech” – Andreas Tsiaras
In the podcast “Women and the Importance of Representation in Tech” the people being interviewed argue that tech companies have a problem and are in need of creating environments that promote diversity and equity by[…]
11/9 – Online Social Networks and Global Women’s Empowerment – Grayson Begier
In Online Social Networks and Global Women’s Empowerment, Buskens analyzes the impact of social media platforms, like Facebook, on the empowerment of women. She discusses the issues women are facing on these platforms and how[…]
11/09 Lehigh@NASDAQ Podcast – Falyn Goldstein
In this podcast with Bari Williams and Jossie Hains, the two women discussed diversity and inclusion in the tech workforce. The podcast began with the discussion of how to make DEI changes permanent rather than[…]
11/9 “Race, Gender, and Information Technology Use: The New Digital Divide” – Bridget Hall
In Race, Gender, and Information Technology Use: The New Digital Divide the authors, Fitzgerald, Harold, Jackson, Kolenic, Von Eye, and Zhao, take a closer look at whether the intensity of IT use and how it[…]
11/9 Online Social Networks and Global Women’s Empowerment – Cherry
In Online Social Networks and Global Women’s Empowerment, Ineke Buskens argued gender equality and women empowerment on social media, especially on Facebook. Facebook hold promise for women regarding personal growth and social emancipation that physical spaces[…]
11/9 “Online Social Networks and Global Women’s Empowerment” – Leah Montgomery
“Online Social Networks and Global Women’s Empowerment” assesses the relationship between social media platforms, specifically FaceBook, as it pertains to women’s empowerment, or lack thereof. This short but informative article discusses the relationship and hardships[…]
11/9 Zach Coriarty “ Race, Gender, and Information Technology Use: The New Digital Divide‘
In “Race, Gender, and Information Technology Use: The New Digital Divide”, Jackson et al. Argues that there has been a digital divide since its inception, but that the divide has grown in both race and[…]
Max Fern – How I’m fighting bias in algorithms (11/9)
In “How I’m fighting bias in algorithms,” MIT grad student Joy Boulamwini discusses the implicit bias of the code that facilitates our interactions with modern technology and her mission to fight it before it’s ingrained[…]
11/09 How I’m Fighting Bias in Algorithms – Talia Feinberg
In this TedTalk, the presenter discusses the idea of the inequalities of technology on the basis of race. I had watched this TedTalk before, and continue to find it useful as these problems will continue[…]
11/9 – “How I’m fighting bias in algorithms” Deirdre Kelshaw
In the TED Talk, “How I’m fighting bias in algorithms,” Joy Buolamwini talks about the prevalence of the “coded gaze” — also known as algorithmic bias — and points out that who, how and why[…]
11/9-Online Social Networks and Global Women’s Empowerment- Julia Duchossois
In Online Social Networks and Global Women’s Empowerment, Ineke Buskens argues that social networks like Facebook play a role in how users view gender roles and thus should adopt gender aware practices in order to[…]
Max Fern – Next steps in health & medicine — where can technology take us? (11/4)
In “Next steps in health & medicine — where can technology take us?” physician Daniel Kraft discusses the modern healthcare system and the emphasis on “sick care”, as opposed to “health care”, which focuses on[…]
11/04: ICT – Falyn Goldstein
In Norum et al.’s Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Oncology. Patients’ and Relatives’ Experiences and Suggestions, the usage of the internet for health communication is surveyed amongst cancer patients and relatives in the Norway[…]
11/4 – COVID-19 vs. Social Isolation: the Impact Technology can have on Communities, Social Connections and Citizens – Grayson Begier
In COVID-19 vs. Social Isolation: the Impact Technology can have on Communities, Social Connections and Citizens, Marston and his colleagues argue the benefits of technology in times of crisis and how technology can keep communities[…]
11/4 “Effects of Social Media on Adolescents’ Willingness and Intention to Use E-Cigarettes: An Experimental Investigation” – Andreas Tsiaras
In “Effects of Social Media on Adolescents’ Willingness and Intention to Use E-Cigarettes: An Experimental Investigation” Erin Vogel et. al argue that the manipulated use and exposure of social media on adolescents leads to them[…]
11/4 COVID-19 vs Social Isolation: The Impact Technology can have on Communities, Social Connections and Citizens – Cherry
In “COVID-19 vs Social Isolation: The Impact Technology can have on Communities, Social Connections and Citizens”, Hannah Marston, Charles Musselwhite and Robin Hadley applied different examples to demonstrate the life after UK Government suggested not[…]
Just 12 People Are Behind Most Vaccine Hoaxes On Social Media, Research Shows – Alana Bonfiglio 11/4
In Just 12 People Are Behind Most Vaccine Hoaxes On Social Media, Research Shows, Shannon Bond shows that just a dozen people are responsible for the majority of misleading and untruthful information about COVID-19 vaccines[…]
11/4, Zach Coriarty, “COVID-19 vs Social Isolation: the impact technology can have on communities, social connections and citizens.”
In “COVID-19 vs Social Isolation: the impact technology can have on communities, social connections and citizens.”, Marston et al. argue that technology can have a significant impact on different groups of people during times of[…]
11/4 “Just 12 People are behind Most Vaccine Hoaxes on Social Media” – Bridget Hall
In Just 12 People Are Behind Most Vaccine Hoaxes On Social Media, Research Shows, author Shannon Bond reveals that researchers have found 12 people responsible for the misinformation being spread around Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter[…]
11/4 Covid-19 vs. Social Isolation: the Impact Technology can have on Communities, Social Connections and Citizens – Leah Montgomery
“Covid-19 vs. Social Isolation: the Impact Technology can have on Communities, Social Connections and Citizens” lays out the emotions and experiences we all went through in the first days of Covid and quarantining, and analyzes[…]
11/4-Effects of Social Media on Adolescents’ Willingness and Intention to Use E-Cigarettes: An Experimental Investigation-Julia Duchossois
In Effects of Social Media on Adolescents’ Willingness and Intention to Use E-Cigarettes: An Experimental Investigation, Vogel et. al argues that increased social media use and exposure to advertisements about e-cigarettes cause adolescents to be at[…]
10/28 – #LikeMinded – Grayson Begier
In #LikeMinded, various authors discuss the impact of social media on people’s mental health and how social media can shape users’ depression. The series includes articles that show how users manage their depression with the[…]
10/28 “#Likeminded: BBC special series about the impact of social media on mental well-being” – Andreas Tsiaras
In 2018, BBC started a column called #LikeMinded to see just how social media has affected people mentally. At the time, there were many questions and comments about how social media was really starting to[…]
10/28 Facebook went offline this week. Experts say we should log out, too – Cherry
In “Facebook went offline this week. Experts say we should log out, too”, Francesca Giuliani-Hoffman talked about the effects of this outage and expanded the topic to phone addiction. On October 4, the world experienced[…]
10/28 “The Relations Among Social Media Addiction, Self-Esteem, and Life Satisfaction in University Students” – Bridget Hall
In The Relations Among Social Media Addiction, Self-Esteem, and Life Satisfaction in University Students the authors, Nazir Hawi, and Maya Samaha, research whether there is a correlation between the addictive use of social media, self-esteem,[…]
Max Fern – Facebook went offline this week. Experts say we should log out, too (10/28)
In “Facebook went offline this week. Experts say we should log out, too,” CNN reporter Francesca Giuliani-Hoffman discusses Facebook’s brief outage and the psychological effects of social media on digital habits and our ability to[…]
10/28 Facebook went offline this week. Experts say we should log out too. – Leah Montgomery
“Facebook went offline this week. Experts say we should log out too.” by Francesca Giuliani-Hoffman discusses the recent outage in which Facebook and its platforms, including Instagram, were unusable, and the ways in which it[…]
10/28 “Technology and the Future of Mental Health Treatment” – Deirdre Kelshaw
In “Technology and the Future of Mental Health Treatment,” the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) argues that technology has introduced a much greater ability to access mental health support through new apps and numbers[…]
Zach Coriarty 10/27 “The Smartphone Hostage: The Truth behind Our Technology Addictions.”
In Grebing’s TED Talk, she argues that cell phones are meant to be addictive and that our addiction to cell phones is detrimental to our health and social lives. She points out that the reason[…]
Technology and the Future of Mental Health Treatment – Alana Bonfiglio 10/28
A report by The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), Technology and the Future of Mental Health Treatment, shows how the increased accessibility of mobile devices has changed mental health treatment by creating new ways[…]
10/28: The Smartphone Hostage – Falyn Goldstein
The TEDTalk by Robin Grebing was very intriguing and a little scary, as it called out humans’ reality. This talk focused on how humans are addicted to their phones and most of the time they[…]
10/28: Technology and the future of mental health treatment – Talia Feinberg
This article discusses the sector of developing technology regarding mental health. This idea is very appealing on the surface because it gives people the opportunity to reach help in a time of crisis (or otherwise)[…]
10/26 “Google, Democracy and the Truth about Internet Search” – Bridget Hall
In Google, Democracy and the Truth about Internet Search, author Carole Cadwalladr takes a close look at the impact of Google’s autocomplete suggestions on society. Google’s mission is to “organise the world’s information and make[…]
10/26 Snowden – Cherry
By reading the Edward Snowden interview from Alan Rusbridger and Ewen MacAskill as well as watching the short video clip, I gained a lot of information about the privacy issues that people may face. For[…]
Unpacking “Privacy” for a Networked World – Alana Bonfiglio 10/26
In Unpacking “Privacy” for a Networked World, Leysia Palen and Paul Dourish argue that privacy is a dynamic (changing) process similar to its definition by social psychologist Irwin Altman even before modern technology was created.[…]
10/26 – Standardizing Ethical Design for Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Systems – Grayson Begier
In Standardizing Ethical Design for Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Systems, Bryson discusses the evolution and future of AI in our society. First, she defines AI and the characteristics of intelligence which include, the capacity to[…]
10/26: Google, democracy and the truth about internet research – Talia Feinberg
In the present day, any belief someone has can be confirmed within seconds based on a quick google search. In this article, this concept is discussed. No matter how outlandish a claim is, it can[…]
10/26 “Google, democracy and the truth about internet search” – Deirdre Kelshaw
In “Google, democracy and the truth about internet search,” Carole Cadwalladr argues that Google’s search engine algorithm is aiding the prevalence of misinformation online and that it’s influencing the way website visitors think. Cadwalladr shows[…]
Zach Coriarty 9/26 “Standardizing Ethical Design for Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Systems”
In “Standardizing Ethical Design for Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Systems” Bryson argues that AI has made incredible leaps in the past few years, specifically in data searching, but it has also introduced many new perils[…]
10/26 Americans and Privacy: Concerned, Confused and Feeling Lack of Control – Leah Montgomery
“Americans and Privacy: Concerned, Confused and Feeling Lack of Control” provides the reader with a detailed set of statistics on the levels of concern that American citizens feel in terms of data privacy and the[…]
10/26: Snowden – Falyn Goldstein
In the movie clip on Snowden, you see Snowden question the ethics of where the NSA is getting data from. Though this clip is rather short, you see Snowden question privacy rights and say “how[…]
10/26-Moving towards inclusive design guidelines for socially and ethically aware HCI-Julia Duchossois
In Moving towards inclusive design guidelines for socially and ethically aware HCI, Abascal and Nicolle push for inclusive design guidelines to prevent social exclusion, and propose some of these guidelines. The authors argue that one[…]
10/21 “Navigating a social world with robot partners: A quantitative cartography of the Uncanny Valley” – Andreas Tsiaras
In “Navigating a social world with robot partners: A quantitative cartography of the Uncanny Valley,” Maya Mathur and David Reichling discuss the potential existence of an Uncanny Valley (UV) where imperfect human-likeness promotes dislike, and[…]
10/21 Navigating a social world with robot partners: A quantitative cartography of the Uncanny Valley – Cherry
In “Navigating a social world with robot partners: A quantitative cartography of the Uncanny Valley”, Mathur and Reichling designed a lot of experiments to indicate that the Uncanny Valley is a real influence on humans’ perceptions[…]
10/21 “Keeping Together Long Distance Families” -Bridget Hall
In Keeping Together Long Distance Families: Technology as a Social Actor, author Mădălina Ionescu examines the benefits that technology advancements has had on long distance families. Ionescu’s study focused on Romanian children whose parents work[…]
10/21: Elon Musk – Falyn Goldstein
In Maynard’s Elon Musk’s Tesla Bot Raises Serious Concerns, details on Elon Musk’s humanoid robot are discussed. As Elon Musk has shifted the AI technological world, he is now planning to create and roll out[…]
10/21- Teachers as Robots and Robots as Teachers- Caleigh Avramis
In Robots in the classroom: Difference in student’s perceptions of credibility and learning between: “teacher as robot” and “robot as teacher”, the author Et. Al discusses that robots as teachers and teachers as robots are[…]
Max Fern – “Navigating a social world with robot partners: A quantitative cartography of the Uncanny Valley” (10/21)
In “Navigating a social world with robot partners: A quantitative cartography of the Uncanny Valley”, Mather and Reichling argue that there is a hypothetical uncanny valley (UV) in which imperfect human-likeness evokes feelings of dislike[…]