9/16 – An Immersive System with Multi-modal Human-computer Interaction

In An Immersive System with Multi-modal Human-computer Interaction, Zhao et. al show that an immersive system prototype, specifically a Cognitive Immersive Room (CIR), can help support human-computer interaction when face, speech, and gesture recognition is incorporated. 

Zhao et. al argue that the developed integrated system supports natural interactions through not needing extra interactive equipment. The authors noted that a system that needs too many interactions or movements can be distracting, so it is important to make the interactions as seamless as possible (517). To conduct the experiment testing the CIR, the researchers simulated a Chinese restaurant environment. In this simulation, the subjects would interact with the system and be assisted with the language through speech, language and head movements (523). The results proved that the subjects compared the immersive multi-modal interaction to be very similar and just as helpful as a real-world interaction. In other words, the immersive system was successful among participants of the study. Overall, the seamless nature of a CIR can be useful in many different industries as it proves to be natural and effective. 

The arguments and evidence presented by the researchers was clear and sensical. The idea of a multi-modal seamless interaction with a computer is extremely fascinating and the study conducted shows how successful the model is. The implications of CIR and its effectiveness are noteworthy because they can be transferred to other fields, such as healthcare, community organizations, and restaurants. This can increase efficiency and accessibility for all individuals in a community. It is important to note that technology advancements can widen gaps of fair and equitable accessibility to resources, so researchers and those interested in the field should be aware of that.

One thought on “9/16 – An Immersive System with Multi-modal Human-computer Interaction

  1. Megan, this article seems really cool and I like that you gave the example of the Chinese restaurant environment. While I understood what the “seamless nature” of a CIR meant, it was helpful to apply this concept like the example you provided. I also really like that you discuss how the implications of CIR can be tranferred to other fields and you discuss the larger impact it could have on society and researchers.

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