There is nothing more powerful than the moment we allow and make room for others the right to have and to use their voice: their chance to be heard, but more importantly, their opportunity to be understood. It is no surprise that often times when we feel undervalued it’s because of the burden of not being seen and more deeply, we do not feel as though we’ve been heard.
Our human experience warrants us a longing to seek purpose and to find meaning in the lives that we lead. Thus, our expressions, whether written or verbal, by way of photography or through dance, or even in how we express our thoughts, gives us the power to enjoy our world even more in all of its authenticity.
Every unique way in which we come to discover our voice plays a transformational role into how our identity is shaped and gives light to the world we create. When we listen to the voices around us, it is our way to let people know that we see them. We see them in their truth, their desires, their pains, their fears, their present, their past, and their future. The very individual and unique journeys that we each inhabit, in a very beautiful and mysterious way, connects us all to a collective life experience that grants us a mirror into the reflection of our own inner world and power.
International Voices has collected a myriad of diverse experiences from the innermost beauty of individuals that make up the Lehigh community. As you take this time to engulf yourself within the stories that are the kaleidoscope of this collective artistic work, be reminded of the strength it takes to share human truth, individual perspective, and reflective learning. See each piece as its own unique glimpse into the heart and soul of another human experience that walks in our shared world that hosts both similarities and differences within our own stories. Connect to their humanity. Empathize with their humanity. Learn from their humanity. May their voices ignite and inspire all of us to seek truth and to value the vulnerability and courage that it takes to share our own stories.